The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

And he was dead 30 days later. What a human tragedy. I wonder how many others he “led” to their demise by megaphoning this stuff to his constituents.


SCOTUS dropping decisions today. No sign of the ridiculous immunity claim decision yet, but there is this gem: In an 8-1 decision, SCOTUS affirmed that domestic abusers should not be allowed to have guns. Clearance Thomas was the lone dissenting vote.

ETA: No Trump decision and no more decisions today. The next day Immortan John Roberts turns on the taps is next Wednesday (6/26).

Fun Fact: This court took on the smallest docket of cases in Supreme Court history for this term. It’s not just smaller by a bit, it’s smaller by a significant margin. Yet they are struggling to get decisions out in anything like a reasonable pace. This court is completely broken.

Look on the bright side: they could have put their thumbs on a large number of cases.

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I would agree, except that the choice of cases is disturbing. Far too many are of the “settled law” variety that they have no business in bothering to take up, which is why this round of decision releases has people shitting themselves.

For example, the decision above. The Appellant Court had already dealt with it and there was no reason for this court to take up the case as it fell perfectly in line with existing case law and SCOTUS precedent. All they need to do to, essentially, reaffirm the lower court’s decision was to just let it go. But not this court.

Ditto the Trump immunity claim. They were asked to pre-empt the argument when it was first mooted by Team Trump, and they declined. They waited until the denial of the argument by the federal court had been upheld - unanimously - by the appellant court and until the appeal came up to them. Again, there is absolutely no reason to take it up unless you plan on fucking with it.

And fuck with it they already have, because they have delivered to Trump the delay he so desperately wanted which pushes the trial past the election. Trump has already won in this regard. This should not have been taken up but, once it was, it should have been decided on an expedited basis - like the Colorado ballot appeal - because this too is about the election.

Even in this round of decision releases, why the fuck was this not the first one out of the box? By leaving it to the end, they’ve added another month at least of delay. And justice delayed…

There was a Ukrainian cyber attack on Russian banks and particularly on the Russian equivalent to SWIFT. So that tracks.

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It’s down another 4.5% today.

Once Trump has cashed out (has that happened already?) I doubt that anybody will give a shit. I certainly wouldn’t want to be caught holding shares after that event.

Trump can’t cash out until around November. Whatever he ends up with, it’s free (and laundered) money, but it won’t be anywhere close to the billions that the headlines blared about earlier in the year.

Watch to see what happens when he is sentenced in NY on July 11. He is the only “product” of Truth Social, which is the only product of Trump Media so, if his “truthing” is curtailed by incarceration or expansion of the gag order, the stock could be hit even harder than it has already.

Regardless, Trump owns the bulk of the stock. If he starts to liquidate his holding in any meaningful amount, it’ll crater the stock and the balance will be worthless. It’s at $25 now, but that doesn’t mean that Trump cold sell his entire cache at $25. Each share he sells will be for less than the one before.

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Dan Patrick holds Louisiana’s beer.

This seems like a giant fuck up by the DA.

A Nevada judge dismissed a case Friday against six so-called fake electors who falsely claimed former President Trump won the state in the 2020 presidential election.

Clark County District Judge Mary Kay Holthus ruled that prosecutors with the Nevada attorney general’s office chose the wrong venue in which to file the case, calling off a trial scheduled for January.

Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford (D) brought the case in Clark County, home to Las Vegas, but defense attorneys contended that it should have been filed in a northern Nevada city closer to where the alleged crime occurred.

“We disagree with the judge’s decision and will be appealing immediately,” said John Sadler, a spokesperson for the Nevada attorney general’s office.

Following the judge’s decision, defense attorneys told reporters the case is “done” since a three-year statute of limitations on filing charges expired in December, meaning that the state likely could not bring the case to a grand jury in a different venue.

He did the whole boat, battery, shark, electrocution thing again last night.

He railed against people saying what he said was stupid by claiming he has aptitude for a lot of things because his uncle taught at MIT.

Sure, Grandpa Sundown. Now let’s get your diaper changed and your jammies on.

I had to work my way through engineering school and actually learn things. Then, I had to work in the profession to learn many, many more things. It took great effort and years of practice to gain proficiency and respect.

Of course, I think magnets work when they’re wet, so…


Whoever Trump’s VP pick is, he (because it will be a white “he”) will not be ready for prime time.

Q: You’re calling the democratically elected president a ‘dictator?’

Trump VP contender Doug Burgum: He signed executive orders

Collins: Well, I counted. Tump signed 220 executive orders when he was in office. President Biden so far, has only signed 139 in the same timespan. And on executive action on immigration, it was Speaker Mike Johnson who was calling on President Biden to take executive action, saying it wasn’t Congress’ responsibility, it was his

Whoever it is, will be shredded by Harris in any VP debate.

Oh yes, because Harris is such a good debater. Although I did agree with her when she said she believed all of the women who came forward and accused Biden of sexually harassing them.

Trump says he’ll do Jan 6 again if he loses.

I never thought I’d say this, but I wish the MSM would start televising Trump live again.

This is probably the best description of the times we’re living in:

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Well that’s why I always go out of my way not to insult Trump voters.

Last night this guy in front of me gets up and he has a mullet and one of those really long Bagwell billy goat beards and I thought to myself This idiot is obviously an ATV riding Trump loving idiot and as he turned around I see that his hat reads TRUMP. Shocker. Hope I didn’t make him feel dumb.

An another note, I walk out into the hallway minding my own gotdang bidniss and I run right into Pete Thomas and Charlie Sexton. That kind of shit is always and I mean always happening to me.


Begs the question: WTF is he doing at an Elvis Costello concert? Does he even listen to the lyrics?

Signing along to “What’s so funny about peace, love and understanding” before stiffing the valet parking dude because he’s probably “illegal” is about as cognitively dissonant as you can get.

That is an OUTSTANDING question, and I have an answer for you. Elvis is opening for Daryl Hall. Why? I don’t know. It probably has more than a little to do with money. I do not care for the bulk of Mr Hall’s output, but I am aware that he is one of the last remaining actual connections to Philly soul, and I love Philly soul, Arctic Records and all that, and out of respect for that connection (and also knowing he was going to play only about a dozen songs) I stuck around.

So I guess Trump’s kiss is on old Cooter McGruder there’s list. And I have to assume that Pete and Charlie (and Steve, I later realized that Steve was about, too, although I didn’t speak with him) were watching Mr Hall’s performance. Maybe they like Philly soul as much as I do.

I once attended another Elvis show, this one was just Elvis and Steve, in Boca Raton, this is 20 years ago or so, Bush years, good times. I was on maybe the third row, and during the set Elvis said something about Cheney’s removing his hand from the ass of that Texan puppet and this guy on the front row, young, maybe 35, stands up, fucking OUTRAGED, I mean, steaming, looks at Elvis, looks at the crowd, the rest of us are sitting there placidly, some I imagine are chuckling, looks back at Elvis, grabs his significant other and storms off. I did wonder if he’d spent any time with a lyric sheet. Maybe he’d just heard Oliver’s Army and there was one particular part that attracted his attention, who knows.

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long beards = MAGA?

ATV’s too?