The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Very much a democrat for federal elections but damn…several times when ive seen recent film of biden he seems…dead. cant shake the thought that someone is pulling a weekend at bernies.

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Those are almost always heavily edited to appear just that way, but I will take a comatose Biden vs any version of Trump. I’ve seen several of those videos debunked with longer or differently edited videos of the same event. Let’s see who shows up for the debate next week.

Here’s one:

And another:


This is basically what it boils down to.

The “Biden is senile” crowd somehow seems to think Trump is out there chairing the Solvay Conference.

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Trump is asking the questions no one would’ve ever thought to ask.


No Democrat likes to recognize that Biden is going around blanking out, falling, having to be led around, and crapping his pants daily. He truly needs a Walker to get around. If he is installed again in November, he very well may die in office. I believe his health and mental state are just that bad.

Its not a trump vs. Biden question for me. In no version of the fracturing timeline do i vote for trump.

Im talking about how he looks in video i see on npr and the AP. doctored videos are not the only thing wrong with biden’s health(though i am 100% convinced disinformation videos are being made on a large scale).

Ezra klien gave geriatric joe a pass after the performance at the state of the union. Before that klien was beating the drum to have biden replaced on the ticket with someone not kamala

Trump is more stupid - dangerously so - than we know.

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Biden is more demented - dangerously so - than we know.

Shocking / not shocking.

Here’s a great article about Biden’s deft handling of the Strategic Oil Reserve to cushion the post-COVID oil shock and deal OPEC a debilitating blow.

Barry will instruct his puppet Biden to use oil reserves in a last ditch effort to lower fuel prices before the election.

Here is a good article on Soetoro’s war on energy.

A worthy cause. Please give generously.

SCOTUS releases four decisions today. Still no Trump immunity decision, which suggests to me that it’s going to be bad. They’re going to drop it and run for the hills.

When you pass a law forcing schools to display the protestant version of the Ten Commandments (only 2 of which are actually laws themselves), forcing kindergarten teachers to explain “adultery” to pre-schoolers, and you decide to use kids as props…

Fun Facts: Louisiana is 49th in education and has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates. But once they read “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image”, I’m sure things will start to improve immediately.

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Oh, and this happened today:

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 6.37.54 PM

And, in case you think it’s a blip, here’s the 1 month performance:

I guess with the Russian banking crisis in full…urm…crisis, there’s no one to set money on fire propping up this junk.

John Oliver explains the banality of evil built in to a 2nd Trump term. Schedule F and Impoundment.

Here goes our resident conspiracy theorist spewing out baseless lies. Trump was thoroughly investigated by worthless Democrats but they were unable to prove any of the baseless lies that they were trying to get the American people to believe. Unfortunately, you have a group of people who just don’t have a very high mental capacity and cling to conspiracy theories to advance their agenda. Limey loves to cling to Russia for some reason.

Are you better off than you were four years ago?

This day four years ago:


A phrase I use often is that someone operates on a plane where malice and incompetence are indistinguishable. For no one is that more appropriate than Judge Cannon (gift article).

She was randomly assigned the case, but she didn’t have to take it. A number of federal judges with vastly more experience than Cannon (which means any experience because her experience as a federal judge was near-zero) recommended that she pass on this assignment.

Not only did she keep the case, she has hoarded it like it is her precious. One of the reasons for the backlog of motions is because she refuses to designate work to magistrate judges - which is the norm, apparently - for reasons unknown. Is that incompetence? Is it fear of losing control? Is it fear of there being a ruling that is adverse to Team Trump? We don’t know.

What we do know that her every action has served Team Trump’s purpose of delaying and ultimately rat-fucking this case. Today she is holding a hearing on whether Special Counsels are a thing. Really? A practice that is almost as old as the nation, and Judge Cannon needs to hear arguments on the matter? Putting the prosecutor on trial has become a thing in Trump trials.

Ultimately, she won’t rule for Team Trump in this matter. If she did, she would be reversed on appeal and removed from the case; which appears to be her greatest fear.

Last night an appeals court denied Steve Bannon’s motion to have his report-to-jail date of July 1 postponed. I believe his next step is taking hostages.