The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

SCOTUS just denied the effort to take off the market the abortion drug mifepristone. But not so fast! They didn’t deny the case because claiming that the FDA cannot Administer Fs and Ds is just stupid, they denied it because the plaintiff didn’t have standing.

The message being “re-file after the election”.

The Russian stock market is collapsing. Who’s going to fund the GOP election effort now?

All the American wannabe oligarchs. They appear to be lining up, checks in hand.


Ukraine seems to have Biden’s campaign covered so far.

Lawrence O’Donnell points out that they’re all fucking idiots.

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Totally not a cult.

What’s the joke…the only difference between Trump and Jim Jones is that Trump would have charged them for the koolaid then walked off muttering “suckers and losers”


Daddy says he likes me best!


Jr. is quietly sobbing into his blankie.

Sen. Kennedy went to Harvard. Either his confused, folksiness is schtick, or Harvard should disavow him.

Down 15% today. The largest Russian banks have halted withdrawals, and many/most Russian banks’ websites are down.

Now would seem to be a good moment for someone to introduce Putin to one of the windows in the Kremlin.

It would be a great time to remove the banks from the SWIFT system, which should have been done at the outset of the invasion. Let’s see how long Vladdy can hold out after something like that goes down.


I’ve thought the same thing. Also, cut off whatever internet access they have to our side of the world. I know there’s workarounds, vpns, etc but regular people won’t know that and banks, corporations etc will have an added burden. Time to smoke Putin out and be done with him.

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I thought about blocking internet access, too. It’s very possible to make life there unbearable, more so than it already is.



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This story is just going to get worse and worse. The other conservative justices might want to step in and do something, because Thomas is ruining the game for the rest of them. .

Speaking of Clearance…remember the feel good story where he basically adopted a young man and raised him as his own? (“Raising” here including letting a billionaire benefactor pay for his private education).

About that…

Funny how the Trump Media stock price takes a dump when Russian banks are closed.

In case you weren’t sure who was pumping money into this worthless stock.

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Another baseless lie from our resident conspiracy theorist.

Limey lives for a good conspiracy theory. If he can’t find one, he will make one up.

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