The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Since the Biden Crime Family wasn’t paying for his trip to Bali and cruising around on a luxury yacht, it doesn’t matter.

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Gifts that we know about either through disclosure or investigation.

Trump’s core business (losing in court and not paying his bills) is truly international.

Trump’s pre-sentencing interview will be held tomorrow over zoom. Trump will be in Mar-a-Lago (odd for him for this time of year), with Todd Blanche being given to sit with him.

Why do you need a lawyer for this? More preferential treatment.

Sure, it’s preferential treatment to be found guilty for your accountant classifying paying a lawyer as “legal expenses” in order to commit an unnamed crime that he has not been convicted of. It’s also very preferential to be convicted in a highly Democrat infested area by a highly liberal jury hand picked by liberals and have a liberal judge who is a Biden donor.

The preferential treatment that’s happening isn’t 100% because he’s Trump, a lot of it’s because he’s an old rich white man.

Here’s the latest transcript from the Convicted Felon:

“…I say what would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there. By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. You notice that? A lot of shark. I watched some guys justifying it today. Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young ladies leg because of the fact that they were, they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what, who she was. These people are cray. He said there’s no problem with sharks they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming. Now really got decimated and other people too. A lot of shark attacks. So I said, so there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat. 10 yards over here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted because, I will tell you, he didnt know the answer. He said, you know, nobody’s ever asked that question. I said, I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water, but you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark.”

If Biden lives another 25 years he will never be this demented.


Oh really? Please tell us what “beer brew here is used to make the beer brew here oooooh earth rider thanks for the Great Lakes.” Also, please tell us what “bgadacagacar” means. I also am wanting to know when we are going to see his strategy to mobilize truananazpressur. But it is what it is because he is who he what he is.

It’s like a liberal to take something Trump says and take it all out of context. You have no clue what was said before all of this at Trump’s rally to lead him to say what he did. Which by the way he stood in the 100 degree heat for hours. In no way could the old demented sock puppet could have done that. Biden simple is too old, frail and unhealthy to have done that.

Maybe you have a touch of Dementia there Texicommie.

That’s cool and all, but let’s get serious. Which do you choose? Electrocution or sharks? I think I choose sharks.

Let’s get real, Democrat mouth breathers choose drowning. All they need is a rain storm as they stare aimlessly in the sky.

Electrons are completely remorseless. With some effort you might be able to convince a shark to give up. But electrons? No chance.

I think in this scenario, death is certain. Which story echos throughout the generations after you? “My great great grandpa was electrocuted by a boat battery” or “my great great grandpa was eaten by a FUCKING SHARK!”?

Why not electrocute the sharks?

I’m more concerned about cow fart pollution.

You should be. Glad to see you embrace reality for once.

Clearly because cow farts are so serious.

Yes they are. Your extensive science background should confirm that.

Well it was a little inconclusive as to if cow burps or cow farts were more serious. In any event, I think that this could be linked to Joe Espada’s reasoning for using Pressly in the 8th still.

It’s actually cow burps, not farts.

Livestock produce 7.1 gigatons of greenhouse gasses per year of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, which is 14.5 percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions. That said, US livestock production is by far the most efficient in production of beef and diary in the world and is correspondingly efficient in the lack of greenhouse gasses per unit (animal).

And, there is some interesting work going on there. Researchers are finding that it they mix in 1% seaweed into their food, methane belched by cattle is reduced by 60% and the higher protein of the seaweed promotes faster muscle weight gain than even the GMO proteins added to their feed presently.

It’s not inconclusive for someone with a rudimentary understanding of science. You fall into the spectrum where you do.