The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

At least he went.

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He sure did. Right in his pants.

Fox has been getting some shit for editing down their interviews with Trump. It’s notable that they rarely if ever allow him on air live anymore (they have 787.5 million reasons for this).

But this is the kind of stuff they did air.

Every accusation is a confession.

The European Central Bank just cut its base rate by 0.25pts, as did Canada earlier this week.

I say this only so that you are pre-butted to GOP attacks on Biden for manipulating the economy ahead of an election when the Fed follows suit at some point.

Can’t even come up with what his addled mind means. “Didn’t have the power to lift those years.” “Those years weight about six ounces.”

All the morons laugh. I’m sure our resident idiot laughed also, as he has addled speak down pat.

Limey laughed?

The Murdoch Street Journal ran an op-ed saying that Biden has lost it, but only behind closed doors curiously. The information is sourced almost exclusively from House Republicans, yet the media runs with it as a legit story.


Hannity is doing everything he can to try and keep Trump on topic, and failing. Yet Trump’s clear and obvious mental decline - as seen in public almost every day - remains off-limits.

The reason the media doesn’t respond when the GOP et al call them “liberal” and “leftist”, is because it’s all part of the dance they do. They’re tarred with being in the bag for Democrats while biting on every scrap of negative press about them while letting go huge, screaming warning sirens on the right without comment.

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Getting him to take a shower is going to be like trying to bathe a cat.

ETA: By fucking around, Bannon has worked it so that he will be in prison for the entirety of the election campaign run-in.


From what I hear, they have to use a pressure washer on Biden because of his “accidents.”

The final word on the subject:

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 12.12.45 PM

That and your neck. Jeffrey Epstein failed to do that.

I wonder if they will let him wear 4 orange jumpsuits at the same time, as is his style.


He’s saying ‘chairs,’ implying that Biden isn’t strong enough to lift a very light beach chair. Which is a real problem for all of us supporting Charles Atlas.

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He said this today of all days. What a fucking tosser.

Is it a problem that Biden can’t speak a coherent sentence, shits his pants in public, trips and falls over a blade of grass and wanders off until his body guards herd him in the right direction?

Well, there is some truth in it, Trump does view em all as suckers.

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Biden/Barry view Democrat voters as useful idiots.

It seems that the version of events around his wife’s flag fetish that Second Choice Alito volunteered to Congress in an official communication is mostly bollocks. The timeline and justifications do not match with reality and/or neighbors’ accounts.

A false statement to Congress isn’t grounds for recusal, it’s grounds for resignation/impeachment.