The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Maybe Colorado isn’t such a great retirement option.

She operates on the plane where incompetence and malice are indistinguishable.

Cannon is planning on holding a sprawling hearing on Trump’s request to declare Jack Smith’s appointment as special counsel invalid, signaling she could be more willing than any other trial judge to veto the special prosecutor’s authority.

The planned hearing also adds a new, unusual twist in the federal criminal case against the former president: Cannon on Tuesday said that a variety of political partisans and constitutional scholars not otherwise involved with the case can join in the oral arguments later this month.

Democrats hate that she’s not bending over backwards to please them.

In case you’re wondering, today is the sixth day following Trump’s conviction, and he’s still golfing.

Why wouldn’t you, if you could pull in $140 million while doing so?

Sure. But it completely debunks every time he whined about not being able to campaign, which was every time he walked in or out of the NY courtroom. It also shows that his campaign is not a campaign, it’s a grift.

But his cult followers will continue to send him money and buy his shit, and I’m ok with that. Let 'em set their savings on fire because that starves the greater GOP of funds.


It’s also going to starve the pigfuckers of funds so inevitably there will be considerably less consumption of Skoal and Copenhagen and then for the men they’re going to have to sacrifice some height when they go jacking up their trucks maybe go from the enviable twelve foot to a more reasonable eight foot.

Let’s face it this will reverberate through the entire neckonomy.

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Well, she donated $100 back in 2018 to Ron Desantis, so she’s clearly biased towards conservatives and should be removed from the case.

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I wonder if they’ll reflect on their choice to vote for Republicans when they’re barely getting by on Social Security…

Probably not.

Or when the Republicans as promised do away with it altogether. Probably not.


Ron Desantis isn’t Trump. Does her son or daughter work for Trump?

The people who told you to calm down about abortion rights because Roe was settled law, just did this.

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 4.33.31 PM

In case you thought they wouldn’t go there too.

It’s interesting that the Supreme Court has already weighed in on whether a judge’s pecuniary interests violate the 5th Amendment’s Due Process Clause - i.e. grounds for their recusal. The Court held in Massey that if the pecuniary interest is substantial, then it certainly does. In that case, the political contributions were in excess of $3 million to a particular state judge.

However, in reaching that decision the Court restated its reasoning in Lavoie, where a slight pecuniary interest is, “too remote remote and insubstantial to violate the constitutional constraints.” But maybe they were talking about $14, not $15.

Ok so you don’t oppose Cannon being the judge for the Florida case. Got it.

I don’t care about Aileen Cannon’s ideology. My problem is her competency as a judge (rather, her lack thereof). We don’t have to get into her Special Master ruling. The 11th Circuit’s unusually scathing (and unanimous) ruling says it all. Namely, that she never had the jurisdiction or justification to issue that ruling in the first place.

More troubling is the fact that federal prosecutors literally had to explain the concept of Pinkerton liability to her in open court. Pinkerton, btw, is the case law doctrine allowing defendants to be charged with the crimes committed by ther co-conspirators and was established nearly eighty years ago (1946) in United States v Pinkerton.

Someone pointed out on Twitter that it’s like a judge asking a lawyer what their legal authority is for a Miranda warning (the recitation of your rights when arrested).

It’s kinda lawyers’ jobs to explain stuff to the judge. There’s no particular reason that a civil lawyer would know Pinkerton Liability, or be particularly well-versed in Miranda law. It may be embarrassing not to know, but federal judges end up presiding over trials that they have no experience with, and shouldn’t hesitate to get 'splained to.

That said, she is the worst.

ETA: and I guess she was a federal prosecutor, so it should be in her wheelhouse.


What you don’t like about her is that she’s not bending over backwards to please Democrats.

It’s funny because it’s true.

If he did, lots of Democrats would go down.

Old Joey B soiled his depends at the D Day ceremony.