The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Joining Michigan and Arizona, Wisconsin has now announced felony charges against fake electors who tried to usurp the result in their state in the 2020 election.

Bonus (per Maddow last night): it seems that the FBI and federal prosecutors are still looking at the Michigan shenanigans. Why is this relevant? Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Michigan state charges.

Lagniappe: Some of the Arizona fake electors cannot afford attorneys and have been assigned a public defender. That increases the likelihood of them pleading out, and flipping on someone up the chain. Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Arizona state charges too.

The UK election is in full swing. It is serious business, so I strongly urge that none of you Google ā€œFarage milkshakeā€. Even though itā€™s totally safe for work, itā€™s just not the sort of thing that should be given a platform at this important time.

So, again, do not Google ā€œFarageā€ and ā€œmilkshakeā€.

Thank you.

You hate to see it.

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That nice ladyā€™s technique is still in early campaign form.

I wonder how many suits he has with him in his means of transportation each day. Several, you would think, if heā€™s the sort to plan ahead. I suppose given that he was the most vocal proponent of Brexit maybe he isnā€™t really the plan ahead type.

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Of course, Farage went to Dulwich College, so Iā€™m going to assume that this wasnā€™t the first time heā€™d taken milkshake to the face.

The Trump campaign has upped its claim of fundraising since his conviction on 34 felony counts, to $141 million.

The Democrat plan is backfiring. The political legal war on Trump is only making Trump more popular. The part that is really bad for Democrats is that this is gaining him more votes from Independents and some of the less brain dead Democrats.

Swalwell triggers Jordan.

I hope this is the fight that we see from now until November.

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The truth hurts and these boot-licking fucks know it.


Does anyone know what happened just after 4pm last Thursday?

I do, Trumpā€™s popularity and chances of winning the election went up.

Does anyone know what happened to Budlight stock June 3rd at 9:45 am?

Not that I care either way, but if youā€™re not going to provide any axis info, I donā€™t know if thatā€™s a 1% drop or a %50 drop. But itā€™s an example of the sort of disingenuous ā€œargumentā€ that gets pretty tiresome.

Send him all your money. Heā€™s bound to spend it in your best interest.


Everything Limey posts is disingenuous. You might have that discussion with him.

Sounds about right.

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 2.06.33 PM

Biden would actually work but he keeps wandering off and soiling his depends.

Remember when House Republicans changed the rules to allow unlimited expenses without receipts?

Youā€™ll never guess who topped the charts in collecting reimbursements with no paper trail:

Meanwhile, the programā€™s top spender, Representative Matt Gaetz, reimbursed himself more than $10,000 for food last yearā€”double the household averageā€”and nearly $30,000 for lodging. According to The Washington Post , Gaetz got reimbursed for more than $4,000 for lodging for two months in 2023ā€”twice the average cost of rent in Washington, D.C.ā€”and more than $3,000 for five months.

Trump just got some bad polling news.

The ultra-right Washington Examiner is done with Trump.

They must be getting their news from CNN.

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