The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Hunter Biden’s trial over the violation of his 2nd amendment rights gets underway this morning. I’m sure the courthouse is surrounded by pickup trucks displaying “Don’t Tread on Me” and “From My Cold Dead Hand” flags, and upside down Stars and Stripes.

Eh? Oh.

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Ahead of Hunter’s trial, Joe Biden took to social media to post an unhinged rant in which he refused to comment on a pending federal case and professed boundless love for his son.

Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 9.13.38 AM


Was that before or after he changed his soiled depends?

Oh boy, they are letting the old demented sock puppet talk again. He now thinks he was VP in 2020.

Republicans brought Dr. Fauci to Capitol Hill today in an attempt to blame him for all of Trump’s mistakes during COVID. Look for this being a ting in the run up to November.

It was all the typical shit you’d expect but, in a shit-flinging exercise, you know that Eva Brawny is going to find a way to stand out. She refused to call Dr. Fauci “Doctor Fauci”, instead calling him “Mister Fauci”, emphasizing the “Mister” in order to get a rise. Raskin called her up in a point of order and she was told by the Chair to refer to him by his correct title.

She griped saying that during her time he was “Mister Fauci” because he shouldn’t be a doctor and should be in jail. She’s such a cunt.

Moskowitz with the clean-up.

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Looking back, I’m having trouble recalling just why they are so pissed at Fauci. Likely, just a convenient boogie man for all their irrational fears and frustrations.

He was the voice of reason and science and contradicted Dear Leader when DL suggested bleach and anal light therapy. Donnie knows all and anyone that disagrees is wrong and needs to be killed.


Don’t forget that he recommended masking up, which is the ultimate assault on personal liberty.


They landed upon the idea that the vaccinations were some globalist conspiracy to kill everybody and that Fauci was in on it and in fact helped to fund the development of the Coronavirus in China in the first place. Kind of weird, when you think about it, that Fauci and his globalist pals would go to all the trouble to develop a vaccine if their goal was to kill everyone. You’d think that a global pandemic without a vaccine would be enough. Maybe they convinced themselves that the globalists wanted to squeeze all that vaccine money out of all of us because the pharmaceutical companies were notorious for not making very much money pre-pandemic.

Anyway, it’s clear that each and every death these days is directly attributable to the vaccine. A pro golfer died recently and next thing you know all the nutjobs were all over Twitter with their WELL I GUESS WE KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS, ANOTHER 30 YEAR OLD DEAD takes. Yeah, Jethro, guess what, the dude was an ultra MAGA anti-vaxxer fuckwit who (sadly) killed himself.

I think at the end of the day your second sentence captures most of it.


All these answers ring a bell, but the one drawing on insanity is the most likely.


Polls - if they are to be believed - moved sharply against Trump over the weekend. Some Republicans have spoken out against his nomination (notably Lisa Murkowski).

I hope that this is a retreat back to sanity. Long way to go, though.

While donations to his campaign from wealthy contributors sharply increased. $53M in just the 24 hours after conviction. Reputable polls are often a lagging indicator. Contributions are often a leading indicator. Just an FYI.

Is the $53mm number validated? I know the campaign claimed that amount, but they have a long history of making wild fundraising claims that fail to materialize in the quarterly FEC filings.

If true, I think you can file such contributions from “whales” as panic. If they can’t get their guy back in, their tax cuts expire (at best). It’s more likely that it’s complete bollocks to shore up his position in the party at a moment when there was the possibility that they might move against him.

Either way, whatever he raises is going to his lawyers.

Confirming FEC filings lag by a number of weeks. But it’s been quoted by enough reputable sources that it’s probably notationally correct. This is probably a pretty good read for anyone that wants an honest peek at the campaign finance trends from the last couple of months and projecting out the next couple. It’s increasingly clear that $$ (or a lack thereof) won’t be an issue for either side to get their message out as we head towards election season. Which should be a surprise to no one.

And, anyone that suggests that those big ticket donors won’t be highly prescriptive about how that $$ will be used doesn’t understand how effective billionaires are at money management. The only part of those donations that will go to Trumps legal fees are what they want to go to his legal fees. These are not backwater rubes he’s dealing with.

Maybe asking Barry why he gave the Wuhan lab millions to create this virus would be a better question to ask. Rat faced Faucci constantly lied to the public about the virus. He should be in jail.

Remember when Trump was a “racist” for shutting travel to China down? Democrats couldn’t stand it.

Covid also “went away” once resident Biden was installed as president. All of the liberal media outlets stopped tracking how many cases there were in each state. Strange how that works.

That BBC article is still citing the campaign as the information source.

While he has lagged behind Joe Biden and the Democrats’ fundraising efforts, the conviction injected new life into his electoral bid - with his campaign announcing that it raised nearly $53m (£41.6m) in just 24 hours after the verdict.

I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but I’m going to wait until the next FEC filings drop before I set my hair on fire.

Don’t forget that Trump’s campaign is spending money like water. It’s not just the amount raised, it’s the net increase in the war chest. Trump’s last FEC filing showed a healthy haul, but was a net reduction in available funds.

Trump’s campaign and his Save America political action committee, two key committees in his political operation, reported raising a combined $15.9 million in February and ended the month with more than $37 million on hand, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission Wednesday night.

Biden’s campaign, meanwhile, said his political operation raised $53 million last month and ended February with $155 million on hand. That includes Biden’s joint fundraising with the Democratic National Committee… His main campaign account raised $21 million in February, according to its latest filing with the FEC, and ended the month with $71 million on hand.

The above is as of February, but Biden fas been consistently out-raising and under-spending the Trump campaign. He will be flush with cash for the last push in October - just like last time.

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Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 7.16.35 PM


Birds of a feather…

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Jailbirds of a feather