The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I’m not prepared to think this fully through, hooray bloody marys, but how does submerging existing beachfront property and pushing the beachfront inland give you more beachfront property?

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It’s what you call “circular logic”. It means there are no holes in it.

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It’s the sort of math that he used for accounting in his companies. New beaches in Idaho and Tennessee (I’m being hyperbolic), never mind the beachfronts lost in California, Texas, and Florida.

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The earth has to be flat. If it were a globe, all the water would just run off.


You move from a nice, smooth coastline to a craggy, crenulated coastline, and voila! more beachfront, fractal-style. Never mind that it’s useless.

And, no, there’s no way Trump’s brain would think of that.

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I guarantee that the concept of creating new shoreline submerges existing shoreline never entered into his comprehension. He thinks you just add more.

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This is just one moment from a front to back, top to bottom, bat-shit insane interview.

The media sanitizes his stuff far too much. I’m not a fan of more Trump in almost any situation, but voters need to see this shit. Editing out the lunacy to air only the most coherent takes from an hour of gibberish is doing him a huge favor.

A donut with no hole is a danish

It may enter his mind when his gold-plated toilet at MAL is submerged.

First, you get yourself a Sharpie…


Trump now claiming that he never said “lock her up” about Hillary Clinton in 2016.

What’s the over/under on when the Sockpuppet will be in here claiming the same thing?


Or a donut hole

An old fashioned buttermilk bar doesn’t have a hole. So there.

Really glad Liberals are outnumbered so greatly in Texas. The rest should go over to live in California with Texicommie.

Trump don’t want to hear about no Danishes. Those fuckers wouldn’t even sell him Greenland.

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It’s a shithole country anyway (although they are white so I’m sure he’d be conflicted).

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None of you fuckers have seen Caddyshack?

A flute with no hole is not a flute?

You know how Trump will claim that his trial was totally corrupt and rigged?

You know how every accusation is a confession?

Trump is bitching that his sentence date on 7/11 (there’s a marketing opportunity there) is unfair because it’s right on top of the Republican Convention.

He is conveniently ignoring the fact that that’s actually what he asked for.