The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

You have to remember, these people are still convinced the Kraken will be released and JFK, Jr. is gonna show up at their birthday party.


There you go with your assumptions.

Sure, when they leave office.

Yes. The flag thing is not grounds for recusal, despite it raising some eyebrows.

I already explained it to you. Go read it. To distill it further… He falsified business records in order to conceal another felonious act. That was the charge. You may not agree that those things happened, but its abundantly clear that you neither read the transcripts nor reviewed the documentary evidence. The jury understood the charges and they had literal front row seats to the evidence presentation. They unanimously agreed that the evidence proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he did just that. Trump’s lawyers put on literally zero evidence tending to disprove the charged act.

Why in the hell would a violation of NY state law, committed in New York, be tried in Florida federal court? This is what I was getting at when I said you demonstrate zero grasp of any legal concepts. You’re armchair lawyering is laughable. You DO understand that you are engaging with ACTUAL FUCKING LAWYERS around here that know what they’re talking about, right?

First, neither you nor anyone else has a shred of evidence to support this claim. You are speculating based on suspicions and circumstantial conspiracy theories. That is not how lawsuits work. Second, even if that were true, point to a constitutional provision you believe was violated. Be specific, counselor.

You believe the venire was hand-picked, or the actual seated jury? What is your evidence supporting that claim? You understand that defense counsel participated in voir dire, right?

you also bet that the jury in this case and the judge in the fraud trials would let him walk. How’s that going for you?


It’s a fact.

Tell us about your personal secret service guards

You love Alito and you also love the job Cannon is doing and think she should stay on Trump’s document case.

To put it simply, you are an uneducated individual who doesn’t know his head from his ass when it comes to law. Trump was not allowed to call his witnesses or present evidence because the Biden donor did not allow it.

It should not be in a court with a Biden donor judge who has a daughter who was employed by Biden and pencil neck Schift. You certainly aren’t a lawyer. You might sweep the floors of a dollar general (nothing wrong with that.)

There is plenty of evidence, but it doesn’t matter when you answer to Biden/Barry. Democrats look the other way when it comes to evidence that supports Trump.

I’m saying that the judge and jury were hand picked Trump haters. What is your evidence saying they weren’t? You have none.

Actually I said long ago that he would likely be found guilty and would have to appeal. Your reading comprehension is lacking. Thankfully you don’t have to do much of that with your current job.

I bet Jack Smith would give at least one testicle to be able to move the stollen documents case out of Florida.

The left or the right?


The right. Duh.

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Seems to me Blanche has masterfully set this case up for appeal on the grounds of incompetent representation.


When? I left Los Feliz in '92 and I’m sure I would have found it.

That’s an extremely high bar to clear… the lawyer has to be basically brain-dead and unresponsive to establish incompetency. This case is nowhere NEAR that.

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Blanche is on record as saying that he and Trump made all the decisions together. So Trump absolutely had incompetent counsel, but not one against whom he can appeal.

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unfortunately, the US Supreme Court does not share your lofty concerns.

Oh this was in 2011.

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Looking forward to the reversal once the case gets in their hands.

Mental. Fucking. Midgets, the lot of them.

And, comma, abject losers.

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People who support Democrats are useful idiots for the Democrat party. It’s unbelievable how blind and brain dead they are. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt when talking to them. It really gets old having to dumb everything down for them though. We need to gather up all Democrats, place them in California and leave them there.


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Now that he has been convicted of 34 felonies, Trump will have to meet with his newly appointed probation officer. This will be in the next week or two - i.e. before sentencing. Amongst other things, he will undergo a drug test.

Oh, and…


Trump goes full Lex Luthor.