The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

That would probably not stop this particular court from deciding that they now have new power over state judgments.

Unfortunately, I think you’re all too right about that.

Trump’s case is unique in that he’s the only former President to be charged with a felony. There are plenty of questions as to the validity of this ruling due to Democrat ties. Merchan is a donor for Biden. There was no crime listed by Bragg. This took place in a hostile location for Trump. The constitution was shredded in the kangaroo court that did this to Trump. This will be overturned by the Supreme Court.

The good thing is that this opened the door for Trump to go after Biden and Soetoro once he wins in November.

Exhibit B as to why America is fundamentally broken. Who cares if the Supreme Court actually performs its responsibilities according to the guidelines set out in the Constitution?

All of this reminds me of this meme:


Every point you make is utter horseshit. Just completely divorced from reality.

So, a citizen, plain and simple.

Not grounds for recusal. Let’s assume the inverse, and he had been a Trump donor. Would you still be parroting this point?

Your intentional ignorance or inability to read/understand the plain language of the indictment (or the simple explanation I provided to you) does not make this so. You are flat-out wrong. Trump’s own lawyers clearly understood the charges… the very same charges under which hundreds of other defendants have been convicted in NY state court.

Every criminal facing prosecution in the jurisdiction in which they perpetrate their crimes might argue the same. And they would be incorrect… just like you and Trump.

You haven’t identified a single constitutional violation. You do not seem to have the slightest grasp of constitutional law… or ANY field of law, for that matter.

he was convicted by a JURY, while having the means to employ the best defense counsel money can buy.

I wouldn’t bet on it.


Thank you. You saved me a bunch of typing.

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Merchan donated $35 to various Democrats in 2020, which included $15 to Biden’s campaign. In 2023, he referred this to the New York Judicial Committee on ethics as to whether the donations represented a conflict and grounds for recusal. In response, the committee said:

“A judge’s impartiality cannot reasonably be questioned based on (a) de minimis political contributions made more than two years ago.”

Merchan denied the request to recuse and last week the New York’s Appellate Division (the same court who would hear a potential appeal) upheld that decision:

“Petitioner has failed to establish that the court acted in excess of its jurisdiction by denying his motion. Petitioner also has not established that he has a clear right to recusal.”

Did Bragg lay out another crime beyond the 34 counts in the indictment? Well, he laid out four potential object offenses in a 2023 court filing opposing Trump’s motion to dismiss the case. Namely, violations of federal campaign finance law under the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA); violations of New York Election Law § 17-152; violations of federal, local, and state tax law; and additional falsifications of business records outside the Trump Organization.

As to your talking point about an allegedly hostile location for the trial, Blanche suggested in his interview today on that liberal network CNN that this may be grounds for his potential appeal - every juror knew who his client was, so New York wasn’t a fair place to hold the trial. How he’d find another jurisdiction anywhere in the country where potential jurors don’t know who Donald Trump is a mystery.

That’s coming from a Democrat simpleton.

Do normal citizens have secret service protection?

Oh really? Then you are cool with Alito not recusing himself from Trump cases.

What was the crime? You can’t seem to tell me either.

Would you be ok with the case being tried in Florida? Specifically with Judge Cannon over the case?

So targeting your political opponent and having him charged by a Biden donor all while not letting Trump’s legal team call witnesses is constitutional. Ok, got it.

Hand picked by Democrats. Sure, it’s all fair I am sure. They were misled by the judge with his bullshit instructions.

I would.

Wading through your liberal garbage here so I may misunderstand just how uneducated and simpleminded you are but I will do my best to think down on your level. Everyone knows who Trump is. He is hated in that area. It is similar to Austin and much of Houston. Highly liberal areas. Nearly anyone who is a liberal hates Trump. You can’t tell me that people like you, Limey, Chuck and Gundy could look at any evidence and give an impartial opinion on a jury. Trump was pronounced guilty once Biden/Barry picked the location, judge and jury.

So, in your opinion, somebody accused of violating the laws of New York should be tried in, say, Oklahoma? That’s an interesting theory.

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I did a year and half in Los Feliz. Great neighborhood. Even had a little spot making Texas breakfast tacos.

I think they should be tried in an impartial location by an impartial judge and impartial jury. A Biden donor is not an impartial judge.

$35? While Thomas cruises the world on the dollars of right-wing billionaires? Seriously?


He’s got a hell of a lot of them.

Technically, it was $15.

It really doesn’t matter how much he donated. He’s a Biden supporter. His daughter worked for Biden and shifty Adam Shift. His whole family hates Trump. It’s no accident that the case was given to him.

You have whatever CNN tells you to have.

As noted in my post upthread, the state of New York already addressed this question and said it didn’t matter. That’s the only opinion that matters right now.

As was noted in my previous post, this is a Democrat heavy court and Trump was pronounced guilty before the trial started. Of course New York doesn’t care if the judge is a Biden donor and the judge’s daughter worked for Biden and pencil neck Schift.


Ill just leave fhis gem from the Rude Pundit here:

Seriously, how fucking sorry-ass do you need to be to sit there and think that every single juror, members of the law enforcement, judges, and officials are all in a massive conspiracy, that everything is “rigged,” rather than just fucking accepting that the cockscab is a criminal and you’ve been suckered?