The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

The house is in Los Feliz, just north of Franklin. Angelina Jolie lives around the corner, saw her pulling into her compound when we were heading out for lunch yesterday.

Some peoples’ neighbors are Hollywood royalty. Mine still has his Christmas lights up.


Where are y’all staying, think we are heading to Santa Monica today to hang out for awhile.

I believe it. When we are the laughingstock of other countries concerning how we elect our leaders, that’s incredibly sad.


We’re staying by the airport. (We’re in town for an airline memorabilia show.) We were planning on Santa Monica this afternoon. I would expect to get to the hotel about 1 or so. I won’t have a car so we’ll likely train to the beach. When do you think you’ll be there?

This will ultimately end up with the Supreme Court if New York does not do the right thing and drop the charges.

I was looking for your contact in my phone under your real name. Then it occurred to me that I must have saved it under Navin. Your number is the same? Ends in 7218?

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Yea, when I lived there many of my neighbors were “in the business”. I got along well with everyone. I remarked to my neighbor, a comic, about being surprised at how easy it was to get along with “Hollywood types”; he responded that it was because I wasn’t “in the business”. You’re not competition, so it’s OK to be your friend. We’re not that nice to each other".

Everyone else has mental politics (maybe not in Scandinavia, but I’m pretty sure everyone other than them). Everyone else also thinks that US presidential politics is absolutely mental.

Fun Fact: The UK is in the throes of an election that is set to end 14 years of one-party dominance. It started a week ago and will end in the first week of July. Meanwhile, in the US, we live under a system that creates perma-campaigns.

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Ah, yes, the states’ rights argument. Eh? Oh.

Fun Fact: SCOTUS can only become involved in a state conviction if there has been a violation of the US constitution.

Now, I’m sure the Trump Justices would go along with even the most ridiculous of bullshit violations that Team Trump could invent, but the case won’t get to them until after the election. So either: (a) he won, in which case this would be the least of anyone’s worries; or (2) he lost, and would they really so blatantly wag their junk at at a (probably, under these circumstances) Democratic Congress that is itching for a fight and has impeachment power?

He’s always looking for the coward’s way out: daddy, bone spurs, bankruptcy, SCOTUS. Never takes accountability for his actions, probably what makes him such a hero to his supporters.


Well, they are feckless cultist losers.

While that may be fun to you and other Democrat mouth breathers, it is hardly fact. Trump can absolutely appeal to the Supreme Court once he goes through the appeal process in New York. The key for Trump is getting out of New York. This is a highly liberal area and of course Merchan is a Biden/Soetoro donor and is doing what Barry is telling him to do.

Clearly the New York verdict violates President Trump’s US Constitutional right to violate New York law.

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May 31 (Reuters) - Rudy Giuliani should be stripped of his law license for his work on a failed lawsuit challenging former President Donald Trump’s 2020 U.S. election loss in Pennsylvania, a Washington, D.C. disciplinary board recommended on Friday.

Giuliani, formerly Trump’s personal lawyer and before that a top Manhattan federal prosecutor and mayor of New York City, tried “to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania voters without the slightest factual basis for doing so,” the D.C. Board on Professional Responsibility said in its 63-page report.

The board found that Giuliani violated two legal ethics rules by making sweeping claims of voter fraud without evidence in the Pennsylvania lawsuit, which a federal judge dismissed.

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Jim Jordan is still trying to pull this shit.

I hope Bragg gives him a lesson in state’s rights, and a middle finger, the way Dani Willis did. The US Congress has no business interfering with state prosecutions or state prosecutors.


What they did was try to put a political opponent in jail with the use of a hand picked location and compromised judge. At some point the Supreme Court will have to step in to correct this. What happened to Trump is something that would happen in a 3rd world country.

They do when the Democrat Party tries to put their political opponent in jail. I’m still waiting to hear what the crime Trump committed was. No one ever said what the crime was.

Violation wasn’t the best word, but the overall point is correct - the Supreme Court can only hear a case already decided by a state supreme court if there is a federal (i.e. Constitutional) question raised by that lower court’s decision.

More explicitly:

For the Supreme Court to review a state court decision, it is necessary that it appear from the record that a federal question was presented, that the disposition of that question was necessary to the determination of the case, and that the federal question was actually decided or that the judgment could not have been rendered without deciding it.15

"Our only power over state judgments is to correct them to the extent that they incorrectly adjudge federal rights. . . . " 9

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