The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

What aggravating factors?

Lying to the prosecutors and violating his plea deal

Did he go on daily tirades on network television threatening the judge, the judgeā€™s family, the jurors, the prosecutors and their families? Was he convicted of 10 counts of violating court orders?

Trump has some aggravating factors here too. Trump also has 4x the number of felony counts.

I agree, but itā€™s just not the same thing as sitting across the table from a Federal Prosecutor and lying to them in violation of a plea agreement.

There are many obvious reason why they will handle sentencing with kid gloves. Accept the conviction and be thankful it didnā€™t get rat-fucked by some Cannon-Thomas-Alito plant.

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True. However, Cohenā€™s case was federal and Trump wanted him in jail. Trumpā€™s case is NY State and thereā€™s no Bill Barr.

Trumpā€™s journey to sentencing is far from over.

People are speculating as to the sentence; Iā€™m just part of that.

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You donā€™t think Alvin Bragg wants to ā€œlock him upā€?

And you do you. I have no interest in saying ā€œI told you soā€. I donā€™t recall ever saying that. I just honestly donā€™t think Trump will ever spend a day in jail.

This is where I land, but I will concede that this conviction moves the needle towards potential jail time, should he be convicted in any of these other pending cases. Still not into the ā€œlikelyā€ areaā€¦ But thereā€™s a better chance today than there was yesterday morning.

I understand what you and Gundy are saying, but I sure hope Democrats donā€™t parse it in the same way. Itā€™s politics now, and persuasion. Hammer home a coherent and consistent message: Donald Trump sent a man to prison for the same crime, if he gets no prison time, itā€™s clear that the justice system only serves the powerful.

I honestly donā€™t care about the nuance, let Fox News wallow in that. Iā€™m sick of Trump successfully carrying the mantle of the poor, aggrieved common man.

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Trump is holding a press conference and has spent the last 10 minutes (and counting) attacking Michael Cohen. In addition to begging for a defamation suit from Cohen, he is aggravating one of the aggravating factors that will be considered at sentencing.

This is what I mean by his sentencing journey not being over. He is going to talk himself into a harsher and harsher sentence every time he opens that weird bird mouth of his.

Fun Fact: he remains under a gag order where he is prohibited from talking about witnesses in the case. Merchan told Trump after the previous 10 violations that enough was enough and next time would be jail. This is the next time, and itā€™s a doozie.

My where were you when a president was found guilty on 34 felony charges.

My wife & I are visiting a friend in LA, we all went to the grocery store followed by a visit to a pot shop. While inside a browsing the bud my wife gets a text about the verdict. Laughs and high fives ensue.

Then when we get back to our friends house and his nextdoor neighbor is outside, his nextdoor neighbor is Brie Larson. He introduces us and my wife gets to inform Brie about the verdict. Audible gasp and a few minutes chatting about it.

We then spent the rest of the day lounging at our friends pool, no Brie for that part tho. The roof in the picture below is the actor who played Matt Houston. :joy:


The fact we are still entertaining the possibility of Donald Trump winning Novemberā€™s election after this conviction and everything heā€™s done since 2016 is fucking embarrassing.

This is exhibit A showing how we as a nation are broken. It shouldnā€™t be up for debate whether a convicted felon who committed acts of treason against the United States and enlisted others to conspire with him to try and overthrow the results of a presidential election because he lost gets to ever hold political office in this country again. But, here we are.


Sorry there Gundy, but you are wrong again. This is the court that will hear the appeal. You might want to do a little research before you talk out of your ass.

I think I used to live not far from there in Los Feliz.

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I just got back from South Africa a few days ago. For the 11 days I was there, breathless election politics coverage was all that was in the news. A solid 50% was about the US political drama. When locals would talk about the literal life and death implications of the upcoming South African elections, they would quickly follow with ā€œat lease we donā€™t have your ridiculous choices that you all have there in the USā€. South Africans. Saying that repeatedly to us. Let that sink in.


Heā€™s going to have more supporters after this. Independents are seeing what is going on and want no part of supporting the Democrat Insurrectionists. You are also going to see some of the less gullible and crooked Democrats switch parties. You canā€™t convict someone of an un named crime which oh by the way would be way past the statute of limitations. There is a reason they waited a few months before the election to do all of this. There is a reason that they picked the judge that they did. There is a reason the judge wouldnā€™t let Trump present factual evidence. They knew the outcome before the trial started. Rational people know this and see this Democrat scheme for what it is.

My son and I are en route to Los Angeles at this very moment. We will not however be staying among the stars of the screen up in the hills.