The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Do not pass go and do not collect $200, either.

And yet, before todayā€™s ruling, a collective group of idiots in the Supreme Court thought it was acceptable for him to be on the ballot in Novemberā€™s election.

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Democrats just sealed a Trump victory in November.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING from felony convictions to simple criticism is a product of conspiracy. For cultists and toadies there is no other possible explanation.

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Trump is the first person to ever be convicted of a felony that had no crime presented.

Trump Denial Route Map:

Heā€™ll never be charged

Heā€™ll never be taken to trial

Heā€™ll never be convicted

Heā€™ll win on appeal <ā€”- We are here

Heā€™ll never go to jail

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An expert in how such things go down in NY said that any appeal would be heard most likely in Jan/Feb ā€˜25. Assuming that Trump is allowed to remain out of jail pending appeal, the GOP is setting the stage for a constitutional meltdown.

If Trump wins in November, is inaugurated in January and then ordered to report to jail in February, he simply wonā€™t go (this is why heā€™s running). Then what?

Good luck with that.


You know Trump loves his golf courses in Scotland, right?

Fun Fact: as a convicted felon, he is now denied entry into the UK.

Blanche went on CNN to bleat about the prosecution not calling witnesses that the defense wanted called (and which the prosecution demonstrably didnā€™t need).

Also, after arguing in court that Trump is so hands off that all of this shit went down under his nose without Trump knowing, Blanche confirms here that Trump micromanaged the fuck out of his own defense.

Instead of claiming that everyone from the judge to the janitor is corrupt, Trump really should wonder if his lawyer was a plant.

Fun Fact (there are a lot of these around today): Blanche called Cohen the ā€œGLOATā€ - greatest liar of all time. On MSNBC last night, Cohen called Blanche the ā€œSLOATā€ - stupidest lawyer of all time.

Fun Fact (to prove point above): Blanche is Trumpā€™s lawyer in the stollen (sic) documents case too.

Actually this is the appeals court. But if it makes you feel better, go ahead and believe your lies.

First, it would be highly unusual for someone of Trumpā€™s age to be sentenced to jail time for the first-time conviction of a white-collar crime. Donā€™t expect him to get jail time. Secondly, even if he did, Iā€™m pretty sure the State of New York would not be allowed to incarcerate the sitting President, as it would interfere with his ability to perform his Constitutional duties. Any jail sentence would have to be delayed until he left office. I expect heā€™ll receive a fine. Which he will never pay.

The link you sent is for New Yorkā€™s highest level appeals courtā€¦ the equivalent to the Texas Supreme Court. There is an intermediate court of appeals that will first address any appeal. The picture you posted appears to be outdated.

But go ahead and believe your lies.

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Michael Cohen was sent to jail for 3 years for his part in this scheme; remember that Trump was ā€œIndividual 1ā€ in Cohenā€™s indictment and cited as the person who directed and benefitted from Cohenā€™s actions. Cohen was a first-time convicted felon in a white-collar crime.

Further, Cohen pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with future investigations as part of a deal for a reduced sentence. Trump has never shown even a hint of accountability, contrition or remorse.

Why does the President get to stay out of jail to do his day job? Where is that written? Not in the Constitution, thatā€™s for sure. If heā€™s president at the same time as being ordered to report to jail, and doesnā€™t go, heā€™ll be a fugitive from the law.

Judge Merchan is also allowed by law and precedent to take into account multiple factors in sentencing, including things like the convicted felonā€™s remorse or - in this case - complete and utter lack thereof, and his behavior during trial including the gag order violations.

I know youā€™re just doing you and taking a contrary position to be able to say ā€œI told you soā€, but everything here points to Trump getting a custodial sentence.

Trump is still entitled to Secret Service protection, and the logistics of providing that in prison are impossible. If heā€™s subject to any detention (and I have my doubts about that), I think it will be house arrest of some sort.

Cohen was convicted in a Federal Court and had aggravating factors. Itā€™s not as direct a comparison as you set forth.

Could Merchan hand down a custodial sentence? Sureā€¦ But I think itā€™s unlikely.

House arrest is a possibility, but after he loses his appeals in the NY business fraud case, he may not have one.

And, no offense, but the Secret Service argument is nonsense. Itā€™s sooooo much easier to protect him in a closed, controlled environment like a prison than when heā€™s constantly on the move and out in public. Iā€™m not suggesting that heā€™ll be in ā€œgeneralā€ in Rikerā€™s, heā€™ll either be at home (see above) or perhaps at a military prison.

Iā€™m sure the state of New York will be happy to work with the Secret Service to figure out the details but, the bottom line is that itā€™s the Secret Serviceā€™s job to figure it out. Itā€™s not New Yorkā€™s problem.