The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

It’s a little weird. The evidence was overwhelming, so guilty on at least some of the counts makes complete sense. But Von Shitzinpants has skated and skirted the law his entire life, so it’s still quite a shock.

Neither did anyone who lives in the nutcase media ecosystem or anyone who has a Twitter blue check.

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So does he beat it for Moscow tonight or what’s the appeal process?

Which is the reason I didn’t see it coming.

I figured.

Yes, this is Patton Oswalt’s brother. Thanksgiving at their house must be a riot.

In many ways funnier than his brother.

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Regardless of the venue I’m truly surprised borderline shocked that there wasn’t at least one idiot who held out due to political motives or whatever other reason.

Sentencing will happen with a week or two (none of that “come back in 3 months” bullshit in NYC). If he’s going to skedaddle, he’ll need to do it before then, because all of the care taken around 1st amendment rights for presumed-innocent defendant Trump just evaporated.

Assuming that any custodial sentence will be stayed pending appeal, Merchan can nevertheless impose controls and restrictions on Trump that have real teeth, and carry a genuine threat that violation of such will result in his ass being thrown in jail. I see an ankle bracelet in his future, as well as the surrendering of his passport.

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July 11

I think there was concern that one juror might be MAGA. Glad to see that there wasn’t an Agent Orange on the jury just to rat-fuck the process.

I hate it that I’m denied video of his face as it was announced.

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There may very well have been a number of conservative leaning (or even more partisan) jurors, but whatever the makeup I’m very relieved to learn that the twelve set all of that aside and returned verdicts based on the evidence presented in court.

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He just ranted at the cameras for a bit, and looked about the same as he did in the photo I posted above. No need to recap what he said, because you’ve heard it all before.

We’re going to find out how attacking the judge constantly for months translates into sentencing.

Someone needs to check on Karen Alito’s flagpole.

Social media is built for days like this.

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 4.29.09 PM

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 4.31.08 PM

Sentencing set for July 11th, so not quite as rapid as had been mooted previously.

The Republican convention starts on July 15th.

Food for thought: Trump has just been found guilty, essentially, of rigging the 2016 election.


Every accusation…


Kind of fitting that this sleaze bag was finally brought to account by his own goon lawyer, the proprietor of the National Enquirer and a porn star.


Yeah he will never see the inside of a jail cell. This will all go away on appeal.