The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Fun Fact: the lawyers are still arguing over what elements of the testimony will be read back to the jury tomorrow morning. In case you were wondering about how pivotal everyone thinks this is…

Democrats have promoted racism ever since Obama got in the picture.

Trump has been whining into a camera, complaining that “they” didn’t call key witnesses in the trial. I don’t know who “they” are, but Todd Blanche was standing right behind him.

That would be the world in which unlimited corporate financial contributions to candidates also fails to appear corrupting.


He’s either heading into court or he’s been told he can’t have ice cream because he didn’t eat his vegetables.

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He only got one scoop

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On the contrary, he’s got an entire diaper full.

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Chief Justice Roberts has declined the Senate’s invitation to a meeting about his out of control MAGA court. Let’s see if Durbin has the balls to call a hearing and start issuing some subpoenas.

Judge Merchan has advised the interested parties that the jury will be excused for the day at 4:30pm EDT. No verdict today.

Are you sure? This just came out: Ghost of GC (@gtconway3dg) on Threads

And this: MSW & The Daily Beans Podcast (@muellershewrote) on Threads

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Yeah, just got the NYT alert.

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Watching on a slight tape delay. Dammit!

Somebody get Hudson to fire up his future TV and tell us the verdict


Guilty on first 8 counts!


Also 9-11.

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MSNBC counter up to 22 guilties

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BINGO! Guilty on all 34 counts.

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Honestly didn’t see that coming.