The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Maybe if he’d stayed awake during the trial…

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Cultist believe that he speaks truth into existence. It’s pointless to point out the charges as written into the indictment, or to point out that Cohen was charged, tried, and convicted of virtually the same crimes by Trump’s own Justice Department, and, of course, pointless to point out that each and every count was delineated in the trial itself.

When you’re a cultist, reality can only be defined by the leader’s latest pronouncement.


We’ve always been at war with Eurasia.

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Alito has responded to requests from the Senate that he be recused from Jan 6 cases. He shows us all the reasoned and nuanced judgment that we have become used to from him.

In classic Supreme Court fashion, he cites the entire Disqualification clause, and then proceeds to ignore the bulk of it and focus in on just the bit that suits his purpose.

Eric is too stupid to keep the quiet part quiet:

“I cannot wait for the day that we win. We will. We’re white…”-Eric Trump

It seems the spat between the Alito’s and their neighbors got pretty heated, but it started when the neighbors posted an anti-Trump yard sign. You know, expressing free speech and all that.

Martha-Ann Alito complained to the neighbor, and the situation escalated. Alito said a male neighbor called his wife the “C-word,” and after the exchange, his distraught wife hung the flag.

According to the Badens, Martha-Ann Alito initiated the conflict.

“Aside from putting up a sign, we did not begin or instigate any of these confrontations,” Baden told the Times.

I’m not sure that I think the neighbor is wrong in his opinion of Mrs Alito.

That letter is so spinelessly pathetic. It’s distressing to live in an age where there isn’t even lip service in the name of ethics.


That is so unreal and fucked up but is he saying anything we didn’t already know? They’re racists, conservatives are racists but saying this out loud shows how low we’ve sunk as a nation, that the Overton window is back to being where it was 100 years ago.


Fire drill in NY as the jury rings the courtroom to gather to parties, only for it to be a note with 4 requests.

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 2.23.32 PM


Much hay is being made on social media of Alito’s inability to override the choice of the woman he lives with.


It’s both dishonest and pathetic that he’s blaming his wife who likes flags that he has no idea about, but it’s spineless that he doesn’t see the clear ethical implications of his failure to recuse.


The Disqualification standard says recusal is required when there is an appearance of bias. In what world is living in a house adorned with Trump symbolism not the appearance of bias?

In all fairness, what are the chances he meant to say that vs. the chance that he misspoke and meant to say, “we will, we’re right”?

The jury has sent a second note, asking to re-hear the judge’s instructions.

With this and the first note, sounds to me like they are trying to affirm/deny the crime that turns the misdemeanor record falsification into felonies. Which suggests they have already decided that the records were false.

No way to know. The context sounded like my racist family members when they’re among fellow travelers. They acknowledge racial bias in the system with a chuckle or a smile.

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I wouldn’t read too much into any juror request. You might be right, but in my experience the request is usually the result of one juror insisting on some point of information and everyone else just sends out the request to move things along.

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Jury has been dismissed for the day.

They’ll resume at 9:30am EDT tomorrow with the re-reading of the jury instructions.

You’re almost certainly right. I find it interesting that they seem focused on Pecker’s testimony, but it probably means nothing.

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It means something. Not knowing what any given something is has never stopped me from pontificating before and I’ll be damned if it will stop me now!

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The thing about the Trump Tower meeting that the jury has asked to have re-read: there were three participants in that meeting (four if you count Hope Hicks who was described as being in and out of the room). Two have testified as to what happened - which was all damning testimony for the defense - and the third was Trump.

There is no contrary testimony about that meeting for the defense. Cohen the Liar is corroborated by Pecker who the defense in its closing praised for the honesty of his testimony. So Pecker’s and Cohen’s telling of the events at that meeting are established and unchallenged.
