The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Now they do have a plan though, Project 2025, to install a permanent fascist government. The Heritage Foundation wrote a fucking 900-page coup playbook to use on day one.

I have seen discussion of the ratchet effect that Republicans employ. When in power, they move the needle as much or as little as they can but, once out of power, they do their damndest to lock everything down. Thus, click by click, they crank society to the right and never allow any movement back in the other direction.

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Luckily weā€™re protected by the mastermind Joe Biden and his troops in Antifa.


Actually Barry Soetoro is propping up the old demented sock puppet and using him to be a dictator.

Since youā€™re in Texas:

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Glad to see youā€™ve survived another day with a damaged chimney. The weather must be dry where you are at or you remembered to close your mouth. Either way, Iā€™m proud of you.

aluminum hat

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In the ā€œthings you never thought youā€™d seeā€ department: Ted Cruz is apparently now too liberal for Texas Republican wackjobs for failing to support legislation classifying fertilized IVF embryos as humans.

MAGA has been sharing images of huge crowds claiming that they are of Trumpā€™s Bronx rally yesterday. They are not. But this is (with Orange Shitler himself on stage):

Fun Fact: Trump has lost the district of the Bronx twice, by 70+ points.

Iā€™ve seen larger crowds in that part of NYC for a French-esque mime performer.


I saw a similar comment but referencing a paint can drummer.

A city the size of NYC is gonna have some good French-esque mimes, itā€™s just science.

Well, this is a maga rally. Science has no place there.


Itā€™s the Law of Bigly Numbers.

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100,000 people

It was actually a crowd of 25,000 people.

Old Joe could probably get about 100 people to show up to one of his rallies.

Youā€™re such a gullible rube.


Oh really? Says the Biden supporter and CNN viewer. Thanks for the laugh, ā€˜neck. I needed that.

Trump spent most of yesterday screaming at his Truth Social followers about the NY trial. Iā€™m guessing that the jury instructions - promised to be released the lawyers the night before - arenā€™t to his liking.

In other Trump news, after him lying about Bidenā€™s ā€œassassination attemptā€ - which he is currently arguing in the Supreme Court to be legal, btw - Jack Smith has asked Judge Cannon to modify the conditions of Trumpā€™s bail in the stollen documents case.

This will be interesting because Cannon can either grant the motion, which would prohibit Trump from shit-posting law enforcement, or she can deny it and open the door for Smith to take this case to appeal.

Cannon has been turning herself into a pretzel trying not to make any rulings so as to stymie Smith; he canā€™t appeal if she doesnā€™t rule. Now she is going to have to rule on this and risks removal if she denies the motion.

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