The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Trump and reality are clashing hard these days.

Why they ever thought Trump would go down well at the libertarian festival is beyond…well, everyone outside of his inner circle of sycophantic enablers.

His speech lasted only about 30 mins, which is about a third of his normal set, and he was booed lustily throughout and to the bitter end.


Wow good thing Biden didn’t attempt to read a speech off of his teleprompter there. He wouldn’t have lasted 10 minutes before they ran him off of the stage.

If you want to know how much in the bag for Trump the Secret Service is, attendees with squeezing rubber chicken toys had them confiscated.

On a side note, I wonder if Trump’s recent lies about the FBI “itching” to kill him will hurt his standing there. I mean they bent over backwards to make that raid as painless as possible. They arranged it for a time they knew he and his family were away and used unmarked vehicles and plain clothed agents so as not to alert the public or press.

The only reason we knew it was happening was because Trump tweeted about it. Now he’s accusing them of wanting to murder him. He turns on everyone eventually, and this is the FBI’s turn. When will the Secret Service’s turn be?

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The other analogy I’ve seen a lot is house cats: utterly convinced of their own fierce independence while being completely reliant on a system they neither control nor understand.


This is awesome.

We need a lot more of this though.

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Totally hinged Memorial Day message from the former guy.

Hey, you leave cats out of this!

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Someone just found out that, in New York, the prosecution goes second.

I would assume the prosecution is allowed to open and close, both evidence and argument, which is the norm for any party carrying the burden of proof across the land.

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I didn’t know how typical it is.


It’s not Hair Force One, it’s a small private jet. It will be interesting to see if the sale price bears even a passing resemblance to market value, or if it’s yet another transparent scheme to stuff Trump’s pockets.

Today is the last chance for Melania to stand by her husband at his trial. After today’s closing arguments, the jury is expected to be locked away in deliberation until the end of the trial. Her sitting in the row behind him would make a 'uge statement of solidarity to the jury.

But, just like the Zombies sang, “she’s not there.”

Maybe she should show up wearing her famous jacket.


So Todd Blanche had quite the weekend. Late, on Friday, because Trump would not STFU about Biden sending the FBI being to kill him - which, again, Trump has argued to be legal for a president to do - Jack Smith filed for a change to Trump’s bail conditions in Florida to stop him from saying this shit. Smith emailed Team Trump a few hours before filing the motion as is protocol and was told to get fucked.

Team Trump has filed its response, whining that it was bullshit that this was filed on a Friday night going into a long weekend. Smith argued that Trump was repeating his dangerous lies incessantly, so time was of the essence. I suspect Blanche was pissed that he had to deal with this while preparing for closing arguments in NY this morning.

[FYI, Team Trump has previously argued for delays in this case because of the workload of the NY case. Smith responded that Trump didn’t have to hire the same attorneys for both cases, so that’s on them. There’s no decision on that because Cannon hasn’t decided anything since her two hard reversals by the appeals court.]

Team Trump also alleged that Smith broke protocol by not at least trying to come to an arrangement with the defense before filing his motion. Smith released the multi-email thread between his team and Trump’s in which Team Trump got steadily more aggressive and stressed, to show that they did, in fact, try to do exactly that.

Blanche has set his career on fire for this. ETTD.

There are some Trumps in court today:

Here’s the expectations for today.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 8.36.54 AM

The defense has nothing. It will be interesting to see if Blanche can stay on point and offer any kind of narrative to the jury, convincing or otherwise. He has had a habit of meandering and jumping around in this case.

This strikes me as a particularly dumb thing to say, when Team The People has said its closing will be twice as long as yours.

This is the defense in a nutshell. Trump didn’t fuck Daniels and Cohen sent in a bunch of invoices that Trump just paid. Everyone is lying except Trump.

They really have got nothing.

It’s not going well. Blanche just voluntarily brought up the Summer Zervos case, which I think allows Team The People now to explore that circumstance in its closing.

Also, he said this:

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 9.10.15 AM

If Cohen isn’t the sort of guy to work for free, he’s not the sort of guy to take out a HELOC on his house and hide it from his wife to pay off a porn star that someone else fucked without at least asking for his money back.