The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Denial is a defense mechanism. I don’t even want to know whatever it is you need to protect yourself from in your mind. But that was an insurrection.

It has been explained to you so many times regarding police tactics and that once they have been overwhelmed and need to deescalate a situation, that at some points it might actually seem like the police are “helping” but they’re not. They were shitting their pants.

You have clearly decided to ignore that. At this point, whenever you claim it was a fucking tourist visit you are lying to everyone that can read it. I don’t think anything you say here should be censored, but what you’re saying here has is simply not reality. I and other will continue to point it out.

On January 6th 2001, supporters of Donald Trump attempted an insurrection. They failed. This was all based on the LIE that there was a “stollen” election.


2021, bud. Otherwise, spot on and one of the darkest days in this country’s history.

I don’t understand why he bothers denying anything in the first place. He’s been abundantly clear already that there is no evidence that could turn him from Dear Leader. Dear Leader is the only thing sacred, and if Dear Leader burns America down to save it well then that was what had to happen.

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That might be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Maybe the Democrats should have took Trump up on the national guard offer. Leading people through the Capitol and showing them where to go is hardly the answer and it is laughable Democrats think this.

Poor Devin is still salty about me making him look bad several years ago.

Yet you don’t care about the BLM and George Floyd riots. They don’t fit your agenda. That is all OK.

Cultists are cultists because they’re mental midgets who can’t escape the cult.

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Democrats are jackasses because they don’t have the mental capacity to put together a rational thought on their own. They always need help or want something for nothing because they have a false sense of entitlement.

Too good not to share:

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Elections are now the choice between a barely competent Democratic Party and the end of all things.

Funny how Democrats are worried about Alito making contributions to Trump’s campaign but are ok with Merchan donating to Biden’s. Yet another example of Democrat hypocrisy.

The “barely competent” part resonates with me presently, especially after reading Durbin, the Senate Committee Chair, basically say it would be pointless to bring Alito in front of the Committee. That, and their complete inaction on the monetary corruption of Thomas.

If you don’t think buying off SCOTUS is important enough to fight for, or you won’t try to highlight the complete lack of SCOTUS partiality, what will you fight for? I realize that nothing will get done since the Republicans support corruption that favors them, but at least make a spectacle of it and bring it to the public’s attention.


I do not understand the political calculations Democrats make. They do not act for fear that Republicans will accuse them of doing something cravenly political, while Republicans already accuse them of pedophilia and eating babies.

Do the right thing and be ready - have a plan - to defend doing the right thing. Cult 45 and Fox News viewers are not gettable voters, but fighting for what’s right should be a winning position with everyone else.

The way to cut through both-sidesism is to take positions that are radically different to your opponent. Democrats have the advantage that being radically different to Republicans lands you squarely on a platform that is fair and just.


You mistake the Democrats for an organized outfit with actual leadership.

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I’m not a member of any organized party, I’m a Democrat.

This has been a joke (“joke”) for a hundred years.


To be fair to Democrats, the Republican Party is a party for pretend-Christian white men and those who think such men deserve power and respect. The Democratic Party is a party for literally everyone else.


SCOTUR (Supreme Court of the United Reich) just overturned a lower court ruling that South Carolina’s racially gerrymandered map was racially gerrymandered.

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 10.43.38 AM

This can be copied and pasted into the dissent against any of the 6-3 rulings coming out of this illegitimate court.

Fun Fact: FlagBoy Alito wrote the majority’s decision.

I think about this all the time. The GOP’s abdication of policy-making and disinterest in platforms has led to a Democratic Party that has to accommodate a spectrum from Joe Manchin to AOC. It’s an especially insidious consequence of Republican cynicism.


Almost makes one wonder if it’s intentional. If so, you have to tip your hat to their cleverness.

Yep. Which, in turn, kinda makes you grateful that they don’t want to DO anything.

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