The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I continue to be amazed that he made a payment at all. That’s not his usual behavior.

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Sounds like he wasn’t very happy about it, and planned to stiff her over (again?) if the Access Hollywood tape hadn’t dropped and sent the campaign into damage control mode.

One piece of advice I can give you is to not look up your damaged chimney while it’s raining. Mouth breathers such as yourself are at severe danger of drowning. Remember, safety first!

So it’s unlawful to pay a lawyer and classify the expenses as “legal expenses”?

It can be, sure. And you know both the how and why. I already explained it to you.

Sorry, but your explanation was wrong.

The explanation was correct. You just seem to believe that, because Cohen has lied in the past, the whole case is without merit… despite weeks of testimony and evidence corroborating Cohen’s story, and literally zero controverting evidence presented by the the defense.

You also seem to conflate the concepts of “evidence” and “proof”, but that’s a different matter.

It’s ok to admit that you are wrong.

There was nothing presented in the case that proves that Trump is guilty of anything other than paying his lawyer to pay someone off so she would not spew lies about him. No matter how Democrats try to spin it, they cannot make it into something it isn’t.

There is a reason that the FEC and SDNY refused to take the case. There are no credible witnesses. There is no case.

The idea that Michael Cohen is a piece of shit (which he is) and therefore undermines the prosecution’s case is fairly weak. Prosecutors have used morally and ethically compromised witnesses for years, perhaps the best examples being in organized crime and RICO cases - e.g. Sammy Gravano in the conviction of John Gotti.

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Democrats love Michael Cohen.

The UK PM has called a general election for July 4th. His party is widely expected to get run out of power on a rail.

Does Labour’s anticipated PM occasionally masquerade as an inspiring figure or is he/she another comfort shoe wet rag?

The former, while occasionally exhibiting traits of the latter.

He is a south London boy, though.

For those interested, here’s a primer on how a UK election goes down.

The entire election process is going to be shorter than Trump’s current criminal trial.

Also, any UK election news is an excuse to post this:

Looks a bit like an ever so slightly more stable half brother of Gordon Ramsey.

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NYT reporting that Justice Alito flew another Jan 6 flag at a different home.

So he can fuck right off with the “my wife did it to piss off the neighbors” bullshit now.

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Can we all take a moment to reflect on the bravery and selflessness of blaming your wife for doing dumb shit?


Can’t really tell what the flag says but if it is something that says that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection, he isn’t wrong.,vid:Iludfj6Pe7w,st:0

This is a video of an attempt at insurrection. Sorry that you still haven’t processed what happened yet, but maybe some therapy might help.

Yes, please post the videos of police letting people in and showing them where to go.

I see you didn’t drown from your chimney situation.