The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Today’s Statesman headline: “Trump considers role for Paxton.” As possible US AG. Just in case anybody had any doubts about their vision for “government”.


Trump needs to put someone in as AG who will go after these Democrat clowns who are going after him.

This, of course, is after the AG orders these phony cases against Trump to be dropped.

I don’t understand why Trump won’t testify. He is both a “stable genius” and the “chosen one”. He would surely refute the case against him easily. He promised to testify; now, he won’t.

It makes no sense.


Biden didn’t let him.

The totally enfeebled but nearly omnipotent criminal mastermind…so unfair!


I saw that in the AAS yesterday.
Repulses me to no end.

Meanwhile, in Arizona:

Here’s Christina Bobb’s mugshot from her AZ arraignment.

I post it in case you are keeping a collection of Trump lawyer mugshots.

I think most rational people know this. I predict they convict Trump and Trump wind on appeal.

Blah fucking blah. Trump’s own fucking DOJ secured a conviction on election interference against Cohen, now it’s supposedly insignificant. Fuck all the hypocritical POSs spouting this line of bullshit.

I’m sorry you didn’t like what you read. I realize it doesn’t fit your narrative. You are not among the population that is rational. You are off the deep end with Limey, WVJACKASS, Chuck and a few others.

I don’t know anyone in history how has taken a flamethrower to their reputation as enthusiastically as Rudy Colludy. And just when you think he could not make it worse…

ETA: Speaking of Rudy.

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Wow, how low can the old bumbling fool go?

It just gets worse.

Dementia is getting worse for the old demented sock puppet.

He’s going for the Vincent Gigante defense. Don’t think it’s a gunna work.

This isn’t new behavior, but it’s news to us that this happened.

Anyone else gets their house taken back to the studs by the FBI.

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Meanwhile, they’ve been arguing over jury instructions in NY.

He called your argument disingenuous, dumbass.

ETA: the argument was Team Trump trying to backdoor - for the umpteenth time - an “advice of counsel” defense.

Team Trump has proved beyond any reasonable doubt that Cohen is a liar and cannot be trusted. This all should be in the bag for them.

Thank you for some more well sourced and thoughtful expert commentary. Hard to argue with statements as well backed as this….

What else are you an expert on? I’m currently having issues with my chimney after a storm, can you save me a few bucks and keep me from calling an engineer?

The bankruptcy law professor’s opinion is hardly authoritative in this criminal / election law case.

Nevertheless, he speaks out of both sides of his mouth:

“It all seems rather absurd since Trump would not have violated the law by paying the money himself, but by arranging to make the payment through Cohen it may have become an unlawful payment.

Yeah, no shit, Prof. Germain… that’s one thrust of the prosecution’s case.