The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Democrats think this guy is one of the greatest presidents ever. Let that sink in.

Totally normal company.

Trump Media has a market cap. of $6.61 billion, and produces $0.7 million revenue in Q1. You could take $6.61 billion, put it under a mattress and it would generate more revenue than that.

And Budlight is content with losing over a billion. You could take money, put it in a coffee can, bury it in the back yard and do better than that.

Court resumes shortly, with the continuation of Fat Tony’s cross-examination. Before that, though, will be the overruling of Team Trump’s motion to dismiss.

Trump has already had his customary whinge to the press, in which he claimed that he hasn’t even been charged with a crime. We live on the stupidest timeline.

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More totally normal things:

Former President Donald Trump posted a video on Monday showing images of a fake newspaper article that references a “unified Reich” if he’s reelected in 2024.

Bragg didn’t outline a crime. I suppose they haven’t thought of one yet.

So far this morning, Team The People has been dropping a series of soup bones on Costello’s head, in the form of his emails with Cohen and other TrumpWorld figures. The correspondence is making it clear that there was a pressure campaign on Cohen to keep his mouth shut.

For example:

Costello is being dickish about it all, but has yet to provoke the judge into clearing the courtroom again.

For Team Trump, unless there is some massive turnaround on re-direct, Costello has been a net negative.

Costello confirms that the “friends in high places” reference indeed meant then-President Trump.

Are they deliberately trying for an incompetent counsel defense?

Oof! Costello and Team Trump have tried to claim attorney-client privilege over Cohen’s testimony regarding his interactions with Costello. Team The People hits him with this:

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 9.12.18 AM

The. Dumbest. Crooks. Ever.

Cross-examination ends on this point, and Team Trump is up to re-direct.

Oh wow! The entire attorney-client privilege thing is based on Costello handing Cohen a retainer agreement, Cohen taking it to review but never overtly saying that Costello wasn’t his lawyer.

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 9.16.37 AM

That’s hilariously stupid.

Re-direct ends and Hoffinger asks just one question on re-cross:

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 9.17.52 AM

Costello is off the stand (and there was much rejoicing).

The defense rests.

The jury has been excused for the day and is not due back (I think) until Tuesday of next week, which is when closing arguments are scheduled. The judge asked them to expect to have to stay a little late so that there is time enough for both sides to get their presentations done that day.

The jury has been told to expect to work Wednesday - which would be the start of deliberations - which makes sense.

The judge wants both sets of lawyers back this afternoon to start going over jury instructions.

Spotted Dan Patrick and Troy Fucking Nehls in the peanut gallery today.

Don Jr. and Xanny Jackson were supposedly there today too.

Good advice.

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Yes guilty of his accountant classifying the payment to a lawyer as “legal expense”.

Seb Gorka too. Is this the douchiest entourage to date? All in uniform, of course.

Once there were the Brown Shirts. Now we have the Red Ties. People had better fucking notice.


To be quite honest, it doesn’t really matter if they convict Trump on this. His supporters and even rational Democrats see what is happening here. I think this will gain him votes as opposed to losing votes.

A hit job to “get Trump” is a bad look by the crooked Democrat Party.

Dan Patrick was there. So it’s official as to this being the worst of the worst groups.