The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Blanche’s argument for dismissal is that they have proved that Cohen is a liar. Isn’t that for the jury to decide? Anyway, no joy from Merchan on this one.

They’re quite witting. The press wants a horse race.


Re: that photo.

It was Trump and Schiller leaving a campaign event. It’s actually video footage, but the judge allowed only a still frame to be used by the prosecution. The time of the still frame is 7:57pm. Cohen’s phone call to Schiller was at 8:02pm.

Which proves nothing.

You are so full of shit. You claimed that a picture was doctored, providing no proof. That is a conspiracy theory. Then, instead of acknowledging that just maybe you are actually full of shit, you just claim that the person calling you out is engaging in a conspiracy theory… did you have a stroke recently?

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I dunno. Trump does look pretty thin in that photo.

Ah, I see I struck a nerve. I said the date and time was likely doctored, you inbred jackass.

The conspiracy is looking at a picture and saying “Oh, they must have talked about Stormy Daniels since they are standing together.” Democrats like you cling to conspiracy theories. It’s all you have.

And his hands look large. Are you sure those photos aren’t doctored?

Fun Fact:

Here is what Democrats vote for.

He really makes the United States look strong.

Why would Biden block these interview tapes?

Fun fact: they expose him being an old demented fool.

Three replies in a row for Dwad. He must be off his meds again. Can anyone check in on him?

Sorry but I don’t smoke weed like you and Limey.

Nowhere here did you mention a time stamp. You’re a lying liar.

By manipulating I meant changing the time. You literally have to spell everything out for brain dead Democrat ‘necks like you.

Hasn’t your mother tucked you in bed yet?

It is Impossible to communicate with you in anything resembling common discourse. Carry on with whatever you call your participation in this thread, I do ultimately find it quite entertaining!

All you try to do is pick a fight with me. That’s not communication. You simply aren’t very smart. I can’t do anything to help you with that.

First and foremost. WFW.

I’ll try and improve upon my mind reading skills. In the meantime, you can always say what you mean and not purposefully be vague so that you can go back and let us know what you actually meant to suit your needs. (See also: cowardice)

If it helps, George Soros just paid me $5k to reply to you and in addition, I just got three free pizzas from Comet Pizza. I also have superpowers which I will only use to disrupt republican candidates up for election due to my covid vaccines.

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Your reply illustrates a perfect reason as to why siblings should not reproduce together. Inbreeding is bad. When you mix that with drugs, it makes it even worse.

I said democrats would probably manipulate the picture. Is changing the time manipulating? Yes it is. Good lord you are an imbecile.

Go slide down a razor blade and see how that works out for you.