The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Team Trump has moved for a mistrial, based on a lot of things that Daniels said about which they raised no objection at the time. I guess their client expressed some dissatisfaction with them over lunch, so this is mostly performative.

Merchan agrees to strike some testimony but, as to the moon-shooting demand for a mistrial, tells them (politely) to get back in their box.

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 1.29.54 PM

The problem for Team Trump is that cross-examination is a dicey prospect. They already helped the prosecution yesterday with some sloppy cross-examination of McConney; with Daniels they are walking into an alien egg chamber wearing a t-shirt that says “Free Hugs”.

As to whether Trump gave his lawyers the hair dryer over lunch…

Away from the in-court shenanigans for a moment, remember when Trump whined and whined (and whined and fucking whined) about being denied release from court to be able to attend his son’s graduation, despite that being completely untrue?

The judge told Trump that he may grant such a release if the trial is sticking to the timetable. Well it is, and so last week the judge granted Trump’s request to be released to attend his son’s graduation.

Today Trump has announced a campaign event for that day.

I’m no expert, but I doubt that defendants can treat such things like PTO. If he takes the day off from court and then doesn’t go to the graduation, is that contempt of court?

Is there a reason he could not do both?

Also, DWard should realize that the title of the case is “The People of the State of New York v Donald J Trump.” If his fictional, cultish world, it’s likely “Insurrectionists v God.”

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Entirely possible. I’m expecting some lame excuse like the Secret Service said he couldn’t go to the graduation to come up at the last minute.

Stormy Daniels just brought up Jimmy Kimmel. If Trump doesn’t violate the gag order all the way to jail after today, it’s because his buddy Putin shut down the internet.

Team The People introduced some items that were sure to be high on Team Trump’s list of things to raise with Daniels - like her statement that she never slept with Trump - that she claimed she didn’t;t want to sign and that it was untrue.

They raised her appearances on Cohen’s podcast, her book and the documentary. Trying to take the sting out of it all.

The People have finished direct testimony, Susan Necheles rises for Team Trump to begin cross.

Her early sparring was to elicit from Daniels that she practiced testifying - which is nothing unusual or inappropriate - and that she (Daniels) hates Trump.

Daniels owes Trump $500k in attorneys’ fees (ironically) award against her from previous litigation.

My apologies, I am not a lawyer and I do not follow legal things often.

However, what is not a mistake is the fact that Limey continuously posts lies daily. He is off of the rails. He is obsessed with Trump. He will need a straight jacket and rubber room when Trump beats Biden in November.

from twitter:

The MN GOP just announced today that Donald Trump’s campaign believes that MN is in play and he will now be the keynote speaker at their Lincoln Day dinner on May 17. But that also happens to be the same night as Barron’s graduation.

Is graduation usually in the evening or during the day? Because Barron’s will be in Florida, and this event is in Minnesota. Trump has his own jet but not his own time machine.

Necheles is banging on Daniels about the legal fees she is refusing to pay Trump. Of course this is an effort to impeach her credibility, but that seems to me to be of little value if there isn’t a credible alternative explanation for the hush money payments.

OK, so Daniels’ has a grab bag of issues and hates the defendant. That doesn’t explain why Cohen paid her $130,000 in the run up to Election Day, Trump reimbursed Cohen “x2 for taxes” and the wrote it off as legal expenses.

I suspect that this line of questioning is purely to appease the client.

From noted Trump botherer Jonathan Swan:

Fun Fact: Team Trump’s Susan Necheles read this out in court today:

After demanding a mistrial earlier today because feelings, Team Trump flashes up on screen Daniels’ partially-completed asset disclosure form from her defamation suit with Trump.

“TAKE THAT DOWN!” came the rebuke from Merchan.

Necheles continues to pick at random scabs of Daniels’ past to impeach her credibility. It seems clear to me that Trump has ordered this “hit” on her, because this does absolutely nothing to help his cause. If anything, it’s making Daniels’ more sympathetic, because it is showing the jury what it’s like to get caught in the headlights of a rich, powerful and vindictive man.

The horse faced skank was paid off by Democrats to make the story up about Trump. It isn’t illegal to pay her to shut up. Just ask Bill Clinton. It also isn’t illegal to classify the expense as legal fees. Just ask Hillary Clinton about how she expensed the fake dossier.

During a short recess, Trump stepped into the corridor outside and offered that he thought the cross-examination was going very well. So, yeah, Trump ordered the Code Red.

Stick to the top quote. It’s the only time I can recall you being honest in the entire time I’ve had the displeasure of interacting with you.

Why interact with me if you are too sensitive to hear the truth? If I make a mistake I own up to it. Democrats such as yourself don’t know how to do that.

Judge Cannon has just indefinitely postponed the stollen (sic) documents case.

While that is an outrage in and of itself, it does open the calendar for any and all other cases to now schedule trial dates.