The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Maybe old horseface brought Trump a check for the money that she owes him for the previous court cases.


Classic! They used one of Trump’s books to corroborate McConney’s testimony. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Team Trump attempts to blame the quotes on the ghostwriter - as if they made it up out of whole cloth - which Team The People shuts down on redirect.

Next witness incoming…


The redirect that cleared up the ghostwriter defense was a quote from Trump in his book that the ghostwriter spent months “sat outside my office” and “heard everything” and “kept detailed notes”.

Team The People is doing a masterful job of demolishing any defense Trump may try to present, before they have a chance to present it. Team Trump objected to the above quote being entered into the record which Merchan overruled. They’re stuck there with nothing but Trump’s tiny, mushroom-headed cock in their hands, and they know it.

H/t to the poor souls in the DA’s office who had to read Trump’s books to extract the quotes they used today. Now some poor schmuck on Team Trump is going to have to do the same to see if they can find some exculpatory quotes to present in defense. Good luck with finding anything in those odes to narcissism.

Stormy has now been sworn in…


Stormy has recounted the tale of her tryst with Trump. It’s really just a sad tale, and nothing you haven’t heard before if you have been on Planet Earth in the last few years.

She was promoting her movie studio at a golf event. Trump had his bodyguard invite her to dinner. They met in his room, he was in his jammies and she told him to get dressed, which he did. They dined in the room. When she went to the bathroom after the meal, she came back out to leave, only to find Trump on the bed in his undies.

She felt that she was going to have to have sex with him to get out of there - a statement that drew a sustained appeal from the defense. She confirmed that the sex was unprotected and brief. Afterwards she just wanted to get out of there. Trump never asked her to keep it quiet, not from anyone, not even Melania.

Daniels elicited objections a couple of times when she strayed into making comments as to Trump’s intentions/frame of mind etc. Daniels was at pains to point out that at no time did Trump physically or verbally coerce her. She seemed more mad at herself for allowing herself to get into this situation. Still, the power imbalance in the room was clear as day.

Trump has been getting visibly agitated at the less than flattering testimony from Daniels, while Judge Merchan has been getting notably annoyed at her frequently straying into areas that have already been designated as off limits.

Knock off the “FIFY” nonsense. If you’re going to quote someone, quote them.

Limey needs to knock off the “team the people” nonsense. Over half of “the people” in the United States see these cases for the bullshit that it is.

Be that as it may, don’t directly misquote people like that. If you want to counter his statement, use the correct one.

I will keep that in mind as he spews lie after lie.

You will stop with the FIFY crap, or that will be the end of your participation.

How about Limey’s habitual lying?

Speaking of lies…I’d love to know where you got the “over half” number


They’re up to the NDA between Trump and Daniels. She testified that she tried to sell the story in 2011 for $15,000 and had no takers. In 2015, when Trump announced his run for president, her agent told her that the story was worth a lot more now.

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 11.59.43 AM

I would answer that but it would likely get deleted.

Uh huh

I’m confused as to how Limey thinks Stormy Daniels is “team the people.” Less than 50% is not “the people.”

The last time this hypothesis was tested, Trump had a pretty pronounced minority. We’ll get to test it again this fall.

And “the People” is the term used for the government’s legal team when the government brings a case. It’s not just Limey pontificating.

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