The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

The retconning - emphasis on the “con” continues.

Noem said she had to choose between “keeping my small children and other people safe, or a dangerous animal, and I chose the safety of my children.”

The “Cricket” incident was 20 years ago. Her oldest child is 17.

Merchan is, very sensibly, paying attention to what Trump says outside his courtroom (literally). He admonished Trump this morning for lying about the gag order preventing him from testifying.

The only thing preventing Trump from testifying is his own blancmange brain.

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Everything Trump does is a scam.

Hope Hicks takes the stand. No word as to whether she steamed Trump’s pants before taking the oath.

I guess they’re saving Hunter Biden’s laptop for later in the trial.

What’s her current situation?

Cut loose and toxic.

Hicks testified to how the backlash to the release of the Access Hollywood tape - on October 7, 2016 - threw the campaign into absolute panic.

Why is this important? Because this happened at the same time that they were trying to hold off the Stormy Daniels story (having already stashed away Karen McDougal’s story in Pecker’s office safe). The campaign knew it could not handle another Trump sex scandal on top of the existing Trump sex scandal, which is what spurred the intense effort to buy Daniels’ silence.

If Trump testifies on his own behalf, he opens himself to cross examination, and if I recall correctly he may waive the right to remain silent. I would guess that his lawyers are advising him that under no circumstances should he testify.

Obviously Trump testifying would be a disaster, and I’m sure his lawyers know that.

According to reports, though, he’s already fighting with his legal team over their approach to witnesses and the trial in general. He wants them to go scorched earth on everyone including the judge. I’m not convinced that Trump won’t insist on testifying.

C’mon Dunning-Kruger!

I figured creating a myth about being prohibited from testifying was why he said the gag order prohibited it. If he wants to take the stand, he certainly has that right, and there’s nothing his lawyers can do about it. I’m pretty sure thought that he’s smart enough to know that once he gets up there he’s lost control of what the other side can ask him, and even he doesn’t want that. Not only could it make him look terrible, there’s no way he could avoid perjuring himself.

Right. Trump not testifying is so obviously the right choice. But we’re talking about a guy who probably would’ve been re-elected if he just told us to wear a mask, so making to obviously correct decision is not a given.

Hot off the press:

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 2.16.25 PM

Trump’s (sane) public defense has been that Cohen is a scumbag liar. Which is true. But it’s going to be a real problem for them here because, by the time Team The People calls Cohen to the stand, they will have pre-corroborated almost everything he has to say.

Even if there are elements of Cohen’s testimony that is a he said/she said between him and Trump, it will be hard for the defense to argue that he’s lying on just those bits and not the other 95% of his corroborated testimony. Also, the only way to refute such testimony is to have Trump take the stand to say it happened differently.

First off, you mean team Biden/Barry. The rational people are on Trump’s side. People with a brain know that this is all a political stunt to try to get Trump out of the picture since they don’t have Covid to justify “mail in votes.” Mail in votes are the only way Biden can win. They are simply desperate to try to put Trump in jail. However, once Trump wins and gets back in office, he can order this garbage to be dropped and he can order his justice department to go after the true criminals and insurrectionists.

You must not be reading your talking points faxes

Handcuff click moment:

Hope Hicks was asked about her conversation with Trump when, in 2018, the WSJ broke the news of the Daniels payment. She said Trump told her “better now than during the election.”

Once again, it’s not illegal to pay someone to shut up.

I know you know this, but nobody is saying otherwise. Nor is that the crime Trump is on trial for.

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Friday afternoon news-hide (Chuck’s roofer is in trouble):

I know you know this, Democrats are trying to tie the payment into politics. It is just simply wrong.

Limey has been trying to paint a picture that Trump paying the women off is a crime. It is not.

I don’t typically employ members of congress for jobs around the house. I prefer to look for individuals with an established work ethic.

Anyway, we tried to primary this motherfucker last time around, hard, but the geniuses in the district said No, we like things just the way they are, thanks.

That’s funny- you say you are not to blame for Cornin, Cruz, Abbott and Paxton but even in an overwhelmingly Democratic district you elect criminal scum. The more obvious “theory” is that Texas is the Anus of Civilization.

The (excellent) primary challenger lost by 200 votes. And I am quite certain that there is no lack of people that voted for the people you list and for Cuellar as well.