The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Ya don’t say? Surely this case isn’t crooked?

Your chosen- as dumb as plywood, but you don’t care. SJL makes MTG sound like Albert Einstein. But the Bidenistas only survive politically with the giant slug of low-information voters embodied by Lee. And the Bidenistas here rail against MTG.

Gov. Nomercy has been caught lying in her book.

She’s never met KJU.

Irony would be the only true story in the book being the one where she kills a puppy.

Meadows is so fucked.

He could’ve stayed as a congressman in his safe gerrymandered seat but, no, he drank Trump’s Koolaid and had to go and be his Chief of Staff.

I don’t know what he thought he would be getting, but I bet it wasn’t this.

Gov. Nomercy gets no mercy about the complete lies in her book.

Not a good look for someone with eyes on the Oval Office.

“It’s not my fault all those Asians look the same” – Kristi Noem, probably


The book is pandering to an audience of one whose own relationship with truth is imaginary. I’m just surprised that she didn’t say it was god who told her to shoot dog.


A bunch of selfish assholes with too much money paid $90,000 a place for a fundraising dinner at Mar-a-Lago. The joke was on them though, because Trump droned at them for a full 90 minutes.

Presumably they think the tax cut is worth it, but they may have been wavering 60 minutes in.

Calling the Democrats a Gestapo administration seems self-defeating. If they think it’s true, most of his supporters are likely to desert him.

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Every accusation a confession.

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Top attorney for the RNC has seen enough after two months in the job and is running for the hills to save his career and liberty.

She really did. Out loud and everything.

Amazing thread of Gov. Nomercy’s absolute train wreck of a Sunday morning political show appearance.

Limey has roughly 30% of the posts in this thread. He uses it to promote his many false narratives because he has no one in real life who believes him. It’s a sad situation.

Trump found in criminal contempt of court for the 10th time.

Judge Merchan explained that he does not want to jail a former and possible future president, and that such action would disrupt proceedings. However, addressing Trump directly, he explained that [paraphrasing] as fines don’t seem to work his only option for future violations is jail time.

Merchan has laid down the paper record and left Trump with no plausible argument against being jailed for future violations of the gag order. Such sentences (and they are criminal convictions/sentences) are appealable, but Merchan has more than covered his arse against being overturned here.

New witness this morning: Jeff McConney, the man with the most ironic title of Trump Org Controller.

So far he has piled a few more feet of dirt on Trump’s coffin, including:

  • Confirming that nothing gets paid by the Trump Org without Trump’s personal approval
  • This made logistics of later payments to Cohen a problem as the paperwork had to be shuttled to the White House for Trump’s signature
  • Trump signed at least some of the Cohen reimbursement checks in the Oval Office
  • Trump once admonished him for not negotiating prior to paying an invoice. He was required to renegotiate every invoice prior to paying, making it clear that Trump would never allow Cohen’s invoice to be doubled without him questioning it
  • The handwritten notes explaining why Cohen’s reimbursement was doubled to account for income tax were made by Allan Weisselberg
  • He had never seen any other reimbursement where the amount was grossed up for taxes
  • Trump directed the Cohen reimbursement to be made from the company account, not his personal account
  • The Cohen invoices were not sent to the legal department for review, which was the usual practice for legal bills
  • There is a reimbursement process for employees - like Cohen - to request reimbursement for expenses incurred on behalf of the company. These payments to Cohen - an employee - were entirely outside that process

Fun Fact: Despite McConney having been in the discovery filings produced for the defense and that McConney had previously testified against the Trump Org at the company’s criminal fraud trial, the defense said they weren’t ready for this witness and asked for an adjournment.

Judge Merchan: LOL, no.

He told him to his face and he told him in his written order: Do it again and you’re going to jail.

McConney is now under cross-examination. Team Trump is, apparently, doing a good job of pointing out that McConney did not get his instructions about the payments from Trump, nor that he had any idea what they were for.

True, but therein lies the Catch 22 for Trump:

Here is what the Democrat Party voted for. I’m sure everyone has seen this video. At one point you can see Biden kind of squat while he’s crapping his pants. Jill just starts walking off because she knows what has just happened. I just don’t see how the Democrat Party can prop him up for another term as Barry and the gang destroy the country.

McConney is excused from the stand. Team Trump got McConney to admit he didn’t know what the payments were for. On re-direct, Team The People asked McConney why he processed the payments: “my boss told me to.”

Which is basically the point.