The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Trump’s base is not what it was.

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 8.09.04 AM

Funny there’s always money for war, tax cuts for the wealthy, bailout money for corps too big to fail and such but whenever tax money goes to help regular people the sky is falling and the commies are coming. It’s perfectly ok for MTG to have almost $200k in PPP loans forgiven. The Catholic fucking Church received $3 billion in PPP loans. Joel Osteen, $4.4 million. Both forgiven. And neither entity paid a penny in taxes. We all got to pay for that.
So normal people aren’t really upset at a program that will aid the regular person. We’re happy that folks will have more money, that some justice of a sort will come to predatory lenders, and that Joe is proving again and again the government works and can do good things for all of us. Conservatives, of course, find that abhorrent.


It’s interesting that Democrats point out mental issues like this but when you point out that a mass shooter has severe mental issues, they get all defensive and blame the gun. Democrats are what is wrong with America.

I’m not ok with that either. That is all ridiculous, just like paying off student loans.

PPP loans totaled $790 billion (with a “buh”) to 11.5 million businesses, of which $757 billion was forgiven, or 95% of the total.

Thus far, Biden has forgiven about $160 billion of student loans for about 4.6 million people. Total student debt in the U.S. is over $1.7 trillion (with a “truh”), so Biden has forgiven less than 10%.

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Giving money to people, businesses and other countries will never get this country out of debt.

That may be the most honest and correct thing you have ever posted, outside of actual Astro takes.

But neither will exempting or reducing taxes paid by millionaires and companies, simply because they are millionaires and run by millionaires.

“Deficits don’t matter” Dick Cheney

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Court is back today, and the day started with a hearing over Trump’s latest round of gag order violations. Team Trump argued that Daniels and Cohen ought to be exempt from the gag order (which is not how this works). To reinforce their case, they entered into the record a social medial post from Cohen where he refers to Trump as “Von Shitzinpantz”. So that’s now a thing in the official public record.

As to Trump’s more egregious violation regarding the jury, Team Trump tried to argue that Trump believes this is a political persecution, before stepping waaaay back from that issue lest Merchan geld them right there at the bench. No doubt that Trump will be found guilty of criminal contempt on the jury comment at least.

That will bring Trump’s “rap sheet” up to 10 criminal offenses of which he has been found guilty. Each one is a violation of the conditions of his release in each of the four criminal cases outstanding against him (including this one).

Trump’s tax cut cost the country over $2 trillion. One quarter of the national debt was run up during Trump’s 4-year term. No one who supported Trump and/or his tax cut has any standing to criticize Biden’s policies.


More on the gag order hearing. Team Trump argued that Daniels was fair game because Biden referenced her in jokes he made at the White House Correspondents Dinner. The judge pointed out that if Biden makes jokes, there’s nothing to stop Trump going after Biden.

Also, the “Von Shitzinpantz” quote which, I reiterate, was discussed in open court in front of Trump and is now in the official record of the trial, was dated before the gag order was imposed. So Trump going after Cohen now has nothing to do with something Cohen posted weeks ago.

Looks like Trump is getting convicted on all three. The question is, what sentence does Merchan impose? His last verdict lamented that he cannot go higher than $1,000 in fines per violation, so the only remedy left for him to escalate punishment will be to lock him up. However, that verdict was handed down after motions were filed these latest violations, so the threat of jail post-dates these offenses.

One option would be to impose jail time (up to 30 days per offense), but then stay the execution of the sentence until after the trial. That way, he takes away grounds for Trump to appeal claiming that incarceration impeded his ability to mount a defense, while leaving actual jail time hanging over Trump’s head for the rest of the trial. Once the trial is complete, Merchan can decide to execute or waive the jail time based on Trump’s compliance.


Another trait of Democrats is not being able to recognize reality.

Roger Williams inherited a car dealership empire in North Texas, he’s one of - if not the -richest members of the House, and he got a 7 figure PPP loan, which was forgiven.


“Von Shitzinpantz” was read into the court record by none other than Todd Blanche, Von Shitzenpantz’s lawyer, who had no compelling reason to do so.

Apparently later he tried to get it stricken from the record and Merchan told him to do one.

So they spent far more time than was entirely necessary today talking about how Donald Von Shintinpantz didn’t like being called Donald Von Shintinpantz but as his own lawyer brought up the fact that Cohen had called him Donald Von Shintinpantz and so Donald Von Shintinpantz had been taken down into the court record and so Donald Von Shintinpantz should not be stricken from such record.

Neo word whether Donald Von Shintinpantz was awake for any of this.

After court today, Trump broke out the Whaaaambulance.

He told the press that he is not allowed to testify because of the gag order. Let that sink in for a second.

Then he went on a rambling rant - to the press - about how he is not allowed to speak and that it’s unfair and not right and rigged and blah blah blah. All out loud to open mics that were broadcasting live and recording for later dissemination. Yeah, totally gagged.

He, of course, claimed that this has never happened to anyone before. Defendants being held without bail at Riker’s were not available for comment.

This will all go away after the election. Everyone with a brain knows that these cases are all politically motivated to try to take Trump down before the election. They are desperate since they don’t have a way to justify “mail in voting.”

Team Trump did its best to use its cross-examination of Daniels/McDougal attorney Davidson to distance Trump from the dealings. Davidson agreed that the trial was the first time he’d ever been in the same room as Trump.

Team The People followed up Davidson with the forensics expert who pulled voice/text messages from various phones. This allowed them to play for the jury the tape of Trump discussing the McDougal payment with Cohen.

Trump". “Cash?”
Cohen: “Oh, no, no, no, no, no…”

This renders moot any distancing achieved with Davidson.

Recordings are all fine and good but what people without a brain (democrats) don’t understand is that it is not illegal to pay someone off to shut them up. Ask Bill Clinton.