The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Trump’s lawyer just cited - with a straight face - Nixon’s AG Bork.

Shark jumped.

Justice Jackson takes a flamethrower to all of the machinations around private and public acts.

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 10.01.23 AM

Listening to these bad-faith motherfuckers is so disheartening. This scratchy voiced piece of shit spewing out lame ass arguments and some Justices actually entertaining it. Our country is so fucked.

Just remove the veil and shout “We want a King…as long as it’s Trump.”


There are too many people on social media doing victory laps over how Sauer was shredded by the justices. They are forgetting that they are supposed to shred the attorneys and will do so to the People’s lawyer who is now up.

Also, the shredding by the conservatives on the court was mostly over the demarkation between public and private acts, which is the rationale they’re going to use to rat-fuck Smith’s indictment.

“Shredding” him would be riding his stupid ass out of the Court on a rail, which is what all 9 Justices would do if the President in the case was a Democrat, and every honest person knows that with certainty.


Roberts just dismissed the grand jury process. He said that getting an indictment from a grand jury is “easy”. WTF?

Alito’s tortured logic:

The constitution grants certain powers exclusively to the Executive branch, so Congress cannot not criminalize acts committed using such powers, therefore IMMUNITY!

Alito is fifth columnist.

To wit, he is trying to back door create the ability of a president to pardon themself.

I’m about 20 minutes behind, but I found it interesting that when Dreeben was in the middle of shaming Alito’s pathetic intellect, on a roll actually, Roberts jumps in to save face for Alito. “Don’t upstage us, peon.”

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That was crazy. “The whole system of criminal justice (that we are in charge of) is unfair to defendants so it should just carry on against everyone else but shouldn’t be applied against a President.”

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That was so stark that I thought for a second that the stream had glitched out.

Is this just a show for these freaks to publicly re-establish their fascist bonafides or are they really going to give this guy absolute immunity for anything and under any circumstance?

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At the bare minimum, they’re going to give Trump the delay he wants past the election.

My (totally layman’s) guess is that they will allow immunity for “official acts”, decline to enumerate what “official acts” means, and send this case back to the lower court to decide what charges relate to private acts and what charges should be thrown out as relating to official acts.

That then starts a whole nother round of appeals and round and around we go.

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Meanwhile, in NY, Pecker has been steadily burying Trump under a dumpster-load of shit. He is putting Trump right in the driver’s seat of the election interference effort, which is the felony from which this whole thing hangs.

Direct testimony is expected to be wrapped up later today, and then Team Trump gets to have a go on cross.

Meanwhile, in one of the other bajillion cases/jurisdictions involving Trump (fuck me it’s exhausting), he lost. Egregiously. Again.

I am assuming now that Carroll can call the bond from Chubb, who then have the unenviable task of getting their money back from Trump. I hope they weren’t expecting to be able to draw on the $175 million and 37 cents Schwab account that Trump has, because Judge Engoron has locked down that money for the people of New York.

Coming soon to a court in Delaware (probably): Federal Insurance Company vs. Donald J. Trump.

Yeah she will never see a dollar of that money. By the time it is all over, she will owe Trump money.

Too good not to share:

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Your “Holy Shit” moment on this day of Holy Shits:

Pecker testified that, shortly before Trump’s inauguration, Pecker attended a meeting at Trump Tower where Trump thanked Pecker for killing the stories about him. Also at the meeting were Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, Sean Spicer and Reince Preibus - all of whom would go on to serve in Trump’s administration - oh, and James Comey.

James fucking “what about her emails” Comey!

Trump has continually whined about not being able to campaign because he is on trial, yet doesn’t campaign when his trial is in recess, like the last two Wednesdays. Having said that, he has scheduled two rallies for the off day next Wednesday.

Meanwhile, he has continued to violate the gag order and Team The People filed additional motions over some of these new statements. Merchan, who still has yet to rule following the previous hearing, has scheduled a further hearing on the new motions…for the off day next Wednesday.