The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows have just been revealed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Michigan state prosecution of the fake electors.

Why unindicted?

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Pecker said that Cohen would send him the name of who they wanted to go after next, Pecker’s people would make up a story and it was sent back to Cohen for final approval before being published.

I know it’s all projection, but this is literally “fake news”.

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Yeah, and it’s likely not a coincidence that some of the stories planted about Cruz involved porn stars and affairs.


In the same answer, Pecker described Trump as “the world’s most eligible bachelor” and Bill Clinton as a “womanizer”. Both were married.

The double-standard was bigger than the black hole at the center of our galaxy.

Are we sure that the stories about Ted Cruz and hookers are made up?

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What happens in Cabo stays in Cabo.

Depends on whether they are alive or not.

The Democrat game plan is simple. They can’t beat Trump with the old demented sock puppet so they need Trump out of the picture. They don’t have Covid this time to justify all of the “mail in” votes. They need Trump in jail. They also need him in jail so they can pull a Jeffrey Epstein with him.

You left a few conspiracies out, are you sure you’re finished?

I’m confused, you said conspiracies… I didn’t say anything that you would hear on CNN. Democrats love conspiracies. They cling to them.

Arizona has indicted its fake electors. There’s a half-a-dozen or so unindicted co-conspirators, including all the usual suspects: Trump, Meadows, Giuliani, Eastman and Ellis.

Old Biden is as sharp as a tack. How the hell could anyone willfully vote for this old demented imbecile? It’s hard to believe people are that stupid.

If the Supreme Court rules today that presidential immunity is a thing, Biden should motorcade over there and shoot three of them in the head.

Hey Presto! SCOTUS fixed!

AZ Fake Electors: Hold our beer.

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In what is likely to become a daily occurrence until Merchan does something about it, court started today with Team The People submitting a number of new gag order violations for consideration by the court.

I stand corrected:

The above names were initially redacted in the indictment (but it was obvious who they were from the context), not because they were to go unindicted, but because they had not yet been served.

They’ve now been served, it seems.

Trump remains unindicted. The presumption being that they need some flips from those indicted to prove the case against Trump.

The usual suspects on the Supreme Court are working to parse the shit out of this immunity thing to get Trump off this hook.

Barrett just got Trump’s attorney to accept that a number of criminal acts alleged in the indictment are private, and thus not subject to presidential immunity. She read sections from Jack Smith’s brief and got Sauer to agree -point by point - that they were private acts and ineligible for immunity.

Sounds good at face value, but it’s part of the parsing exercise.

Trump’s lawyer is doubling down on his Seal Team Six nonsense; he just argued that a president could order the military to stage a coup. His argument is that it would be an official act, so he would have to be impeached and removed before being prosecuted.

Impeached and removed by who? The military junta now in charge? Yeah…right.