The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread


“Is you takin notes on a criminal fuckin conspiracy? The fuck is you thinkin?”

Stringer Bell


Our democracy is on the cusp of going out, and it’s because of the dumbest people.



Pecker (David) is back on the stand, and he explained that he launched Trump Style magazine. The prosecution is showing how Trump and Pecker have been in each other’s orbit for y…

Wait! There was a Trump Style magazine?!!! What were the articles?

“Ties: How Long is Too Long?”

“You Too Can Dance Like a Bukakke Star”

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Pecker is calmly detailing the election interference element of the conspiracy here. How they came up with the plan to promote material that was pro-Trump and/or anti-Trump’s opponents, and to intercept negative Trump stories as much as possible.

When the deal was discussed there were four people in the room: Trump, Pecker, Cohen and Hope Hicks. Three of those four are witnesses for the prosecution.

" Are you ready for that long night out on the town? …it Depends"

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Even a story about Biden?

The adverts were hilarious: “In a rut? Get on a roll with Adderall!”

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A story about Hunter too?

This is the crime that Trump’s DOJ knew all about but refused to prosecute Trump for.

At what point is it legit to say that Trump stole the 2016 election? If we’re not there yet, we can certainly see it from here.

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How about now?

The ‘every accusation a confession’ idea is proving to be resiliently fecund.

First fake news, now rigged and stollen.


Court has wrapped for the day, after Pecker talked about catching and killing the Karen McDougal story.

Trump went outside and complained to the press about how he is not allowed to say anything. He said this to the press…in the corridor right outside the court.

He also complained about the room being cold and that he had to sit up “as straight as he could” for 4 hours. Because he’s a child.

If this would have been posted by me concerning the 2020 election, it would have been deleted faster than it was posted.

Your conspiracy theories are dangerous to people reading the forum.

Chyron says it all.

I saw a suggestion from Neal Katyal yesterday that Merchan should jail Trump for contempt, but suspend the sentence until after the trial. If, at the end of the trial, Trump has complied then Merchan can waive the sentence. Otherwise, it’s off to Riker’s.

The Pennsylvania primary happened yesterday. Biden got 93% of the Democratic vote and Trump got 83% of the Republican vote (Zombie Haley peeling off the other 17%).

Apparently the PA suburbs went 97% for Biden and 50% for Haley in their respective primaries. I’m sure the NYT is spinning this as bad news for Biden.

I’ve spent a decent amount of time driving through rural PA, and those people would vote for Trump even if he was personally driving the repo truck that was hauling away their trailer home.

He’s magnanimously saving them from themselves. A true American hero.

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New courtroom photo shows all of Trump’s family members supporting him during this case.

Fun Fact: Jeffrey Dahmer’s parents attended every day of his trial.

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