The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Receipts for lawyer fees. It wasn’t illegal to pay someone off. His receipts mean nothing other tham a debt was paid.

Fun fact: Stormy Daniels actually owes Trump money.


Run, gerbil, run!

You guys are trying to box with a plastic bag being blown by the wind through a Walmart parking lot.


Poor Chuck. Much like Limey, I made him look like a fool a long time ago and he still isn’t over it. He couldn’t prove me wrong, got butt hurt and put me on “ignore.” I don’t blame him. Had I have looked like the weak, insecure fool he did, I might have done the same thing.

“Choose Freedom over Democracy!” That is what the old demented sock puppet is encouraging his voters to do. I’m sure Navin, JBM, Chuck, MikeS and several others around here are fired up about this. If the liberal media held up a sign saying “applause” after Biden said this, they would do just that, mouth hanging open and all. It’s really sad that people vote for an idiot like this.

Mental midgets are good like that.

This day should not go unremarked; four years ago, Trump suggested injecting bleach to cure COVID.

Typical Democrat move, taking things Trump says out of context. Only an idiot would believe that Trump actually encouraged people to take bleach. But you are a Democrat and a proven mentally challenged lunatic who has a clear mental disorder. So I don’t doubt the fact that you believe it.

What people should have been worried about is why the Obama administration funded the Wuhan lab and why they wanted to come up with the coronavirus.

Jessica Williams ftw.

My favorite part of yesterday in court was the prosecutor explaining how the $130,000 Cohen paid to Daniels was reimbursed.

  1. They took the $130,000 Daniels payment, plus another $50,000 Cohen was owed by Trump for other stuff, making $180,000 owed in total.
  2. Then they doubled it because they were dressing it up as payment for services rendered, and it would thus attract income tax. Cohen was near the 50% marginal tax rate so, to get him $180,000 net, they had to “pay” him $360,000.
  3. Then they added a $60,000 “bonus” - presumably his fee for fixing the Daniels problem - to come to the $420,000 Trump paid Cohen in total.

“…and Allan Weisselberg wrote it all down.”

Yep. They have Weisselberg’s handwritten notes on the bank statement that Cohen presented as proof of his $130,000 payment to Daniels, detailing exactly how $130,000 turned into $420,000. Not only does it show that Trump paid Cohen back for the hush money, but it also lays out the deception of pretending it was payment for legal services, which is one of the falsified business records charged here.

It appears that Trump has announced his presence with authority.


The gag order hearing is a mini me version of everything Trump: the prosecution lays out the 10 times Trump violated the gag order, plus referencing last night’s press gaggle when he went after Cohen, and the defense argued that Merchan shouldn’t believe his lying eyes.

This is fun:

Does Blanche think this is working?

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 9.41.30 AM

He made me do it!”

7 post in a row by the resident nut job. Someone put this man back in his rubber room!

After the entertainment of the contempt hearing, Merchan called a recess without yet ruling on the motion. Maybe he’s checking on available accommodation at Riker’s.