The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Schtupping a porn star is not illegal. Purchasing her silence is not illegal (assuming it wasn’t crossing the line into threats and coercion). Hiding the money in your filings with state or federal oversight agencies is.

I get a little confused here. Do they have to prove that Trump was guilty of election interference, or simply that Trump’s falsified business records were used to cover up Cohen’s election interference crimes?

Also, Im continually flummoxed that the press continues to minimize something that Trump’s own Justice Department convicted Michael Cohen of, for all intents and purposes.

Exactly. A sane defense would be: “yes, my client is a douchebag for cheating on his wife, but that doesn’t make him a felon.” Blanche stated in his opening today that the affairs didn’t happen and Trump had no knowledge of anything that went on. He has flipped the burden of proof onto himself.

Perhaps in his mind sleeping with a porn star is no wrong. He doesn’t have to explain his moral compass here.

Both. Falsifying business records to hide election interference. If it’s not election interference (a feloy) than the false records is a misdemeanor. Still bad, and in a normal timeline utterly disqualifying to national office.

So, it’s not just the misdemeanor act covering up a crime, but the misdemeanor act covering up a crime the misdemeanor actor committed?

They have to prove that the schemes employed were designed to interfere in the election (by hiding the truth of Trump’s behavior from the voters). That’s the felony that raises the cover up to a felony. Falsifying business records just on its own is a misdemeanor.

Cohen’s Razor: Trump fucked these women and went to the White House while Cohen paid these women for their silence and went to jail. Trump’s own DOJ in convicting Cohen said that he committed his crimes in coordination with and at the behest of “Individual 1”, who everyone knows is Trump.

No he doesn’t. But he closed off that avenue by stating that Trump did not have the affairs. If Daniels and MacDougal prove credible witnesses as to the affairs, then the jury is going to wonder about what else Blanche is full shit over.

I can’t for the life of me understand the I didn’t sleep with the woman (women) everybody knows I slept with defense. I didn’t understand it when Bill Clinton used it, I understand it even less here.

Legal fees for a contract to shut someone up. It’s not illegal.

In Trump’s case, it’s the conflict between the needs of Defendant Trump and Candidate Trump. He didn’t want to admit to the affairs when running for president in 2016, and he doesn’t want to admit to them when running for president now.

If he allows that even a fraction of the charges against him are true, it starts to erode his narrative that it’s all a witch hunt by the Biden crime family (or whatever is his bolloques-de-jour).

Well, if you have to prove that Trump was also guilty of the crime that Cohen served time for, then the press should shut the fuck up about this being a “minor” case. It sure wasn’t to Cohen.

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Limey being all fancy

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The reason that this case is so late is because Trump’s DOJ slow walked any investigation of “Individual 1” even while they imprisoned his bagman. The NY case was essentially frozen in deference to the federal investigation, which is customary.

It wasn’t until 2019 when the DOJ announced formally that they were not pursuing any case against Trump. The Trump DOJ continued to stifle any action by the NY DA through 2020. Early in 2021, then-NY DA Vance announced he would step aside at the end of his term in 2022.

The new NY DA Bragg took office in January 2022, took a beat to see what he had, and filed charges against Trump later that year.

It had long been incredulous that Cohen received a multi-year sentence, served it and been released, and Trump hadn’t even seen the inside of an interview room.

You all act like Cohen went to jail solely because of Trump. You conveniently forget that Cohen concealed more than $4mm in personal income from the IRS and made false statements to a financial institution in connection with a $500,000 home loan. These charges were of his own doing and had nothing to do with Trump. With a proven history of lying, how could Cohen possibly be a credible witness?

Two-tiered justice system, indeed.

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Those darned receipts corroborate his story.

So, giving Trump (and some executives) a bigger piece of ownership simply reduces the ownership of existing shares, basically dilutes the value of an existing share. In sum, he’s taking money from other owners, more specifically his cult members, and you cheer it on like it’s a good thing.

I see it upsets you that Trump is extremely wealthy. Maybe Limey can lend you a tissue? Your crying is nearly as bad as his.