The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

That’s interesting, and unethical, but is it illegal?

In and of itself, no. The crime is Trump subsequently falsifying business records to cover up what the payments were for. Those are misdemeanors - 34 counts - but they become felonies if they were to cover up a felony; here being election interference.

Prosecutors will have to walk the jury through this river of shit: from the affairs themselves taking place, to the payments made to ensure the stories didn’t get out, to showing how those payments were misrepresented in business records, and exactly how the original payments themselves were election interference.

On that last part, that’s why the scheme with the National Enquirer to plant negative stories about Trump’s political opponents and positive ones about him, in addition to the catch and kill of McDougal’s story, is important. It shows it was all about protecting his campaign, which is what makes it all felonious.

Similarly with the Daniels’ payment. Stormy, her lawyer (not Avenatti) and Cohen will all testify that they were in negotiations early in 2016 for Stormy to get paid to keep quiet, but those went dead. Then the Access Hollywood tape came out, and suddenly the deal was back on. Later, after Trump won, he discussed with Cohen not paying Daniels the balance owed because it didn’t matter anymore.

If all this testimony is legit, and backed up by the paper trails, then Trump is going to have a helluva time refuting it. It’s basically his word against everyone else involved and, including the tapes, even himself.

In many of the interactions that will be described by the prosecution’s witnesses, the only other person in the room was Trump, so the only person who could say it didn’t happen is Trump. To do that, he has to take the stand, and then he’s fair game for everything.

To wit:

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Defense opening statement hasn’t started well.

Trump lawyer Blanche: “what’s wrong with trying to influence an election?”
The People: “Objection.”
The Judge: “Sustained.”

Fun Fact: election interference as alleged here is a felony.

Also, this:

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The defense’s opening statement appears to be a Trump rally speech. “It’s not illegal and it wasn’t me it was my lawyers.”

Final tally, three objections to Team Trump’s opening statement; two sustained. There was a short recess after opening statements were complete, and now testimony begins.

“The People call David Pecker.”


Rock Star

Another fun fact: The bond was approved. I hope people are buying up tissue stock! Limey is going through them in mass quantities.

The NY criminal trial has adjourned for the day (as planned).

Meanwhile, in the civil fraud conviction, Engoran has accepted Trump’s bond, but subject to a number of new conditions.

  • These include that Knight Specialty Insurance Company will retain “exclusive control” of the $175 million account, and the company and Trump will provide a monthly account statement certifying that there are sufficient cash funds for the bond.

  • Knight Specialty Insurance Company has agreed to designate an agent of process in New York.

  • The agreement between the company and Trump also can’t be amended without court approval.

Poor Limey just can’t accept the fact that Trump has a lot of cash and could easily pay for the bond.

Trump stepped outside the courtroom and in front of the press gaggle awaiting him. There, he ripped into Michael Cohen for being a liar, a clear violation of the gag order on him for this trial.

His previous violations of the gag order are due to be adjudicated tomorrow morning before the testimony resumes. I imagine this will be added to the ever-growing list.

Don’t worry, he can pay the fines.

If this is the defense, then he’s fucked:

Trump wants the jury to believe that Trump fucked a porn star and Michael Cohen - totally on his own and unbeknownst to Trump - paid her to keep quiet, billed Trump for the payment as “legal expenses” which Trump innocently paid and then Cohen went to jail for years to keep quiet about it all.

Good luck with that.

Meanwhile, Cohen is going to testify that it was all at the direction of and benefit for Trump. Testimony that will be backed up by other witnesses, diaries, emails, text messages, bank records and taped phone calls.

Let’s see if Donald understands what “exponential” actually means.

You’re forgetting that it isn’t even illegal to pay someone off. The prosecution is going to have a hell of a time convincing every juror that it was. And that’s just what they’ll have to do to “get Trump.”

I just hope there’s no video.

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Hush money may or may not be legal, depending on the circumstances. Falsifying business records, which is what this trial is about, is always illegal, however.

And there is the problem. It’s not illegal to pay a retainer fee. They have to prove it was an illegal campaign contribution. The news about horse face could have harmed the reputations of Trump and his family regardless of his candidacy.

Again…he is accused of providing false information on business filings. They have to prove he knowingly provided false information to the State of New York. The trial is to ascertain his guilt or not.

Right. And it’s not illegal to pay a lawyer.

Interestingly, the defense isn’t that what he did wasn’t election interference - which would evaporate the felony here - it’s that he did nothing wrong up to and including sleeping with the women whose silence was purchased. In appeasing his client with his opening remarks, Todd Blanche started the clock on a time bomb with his credibility with the jury.

It depends on what you pay him for. You either know this or you don’t. Neither are a good look for you.