The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Never. Because this is clearly Biden weaponizing the MLBUA.

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If you are paid $1 million for 4 months work and $0 for the 5th month, then your lights won’t go out…

We’ve seen it with our own eyes.

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They’re not gonna get paid a nickel. You know it, I know it, and they know it.

nope- they will send an invoice each month.

And you think he always pays his invoices….because…

Trump - whose first of four criminal trials starts in about fifteen fucking minutes - has called for mass protests across the country. Bring your own brown shirt.

I think he’s going to be disappointed.

Check the timestamp.

Going to be hard to stay awake again today, methinks.

David Pecker is expected to be the first witness called by the prosecution. Not only will he - per the terms of his plea deal - tell what he knows/did regarding the “catch and kill” scheme to hide Karen McDougal’s story from the electorate, he will also likely testify regarding his work with Trump to place damaging/ridiculous stories about Trump’s political rivals in 2016.

The stories about Clinton’s lesbian affair and Cruz’ dad killing JFK all came from the National Enquirer. The Enquirer posted sleazy stories about all of Trump’s opponents, coincidentally at the time each one became his biggest rival. So they were making up and publishing stories damaging to his opponents while quashing stories damaging to him.

Pecker has already been busted for all of this, and plead down his punishment in return for his testimony here. It’s the perfect place to start, because this entire election interference scheme was cooked up in a meeting between Trump, Pecker and Cohen in 2015. Two of those three men will testify that it happened; the only person who could testify to say that it didn’t happen, is the third man in the room…

Oh, and if there wasn’t enough going on today, the hearing on the validity of Trump’s bond his NY civil fraud conviction is happening this morning. AG James has moved that the bond is dog shit and that Trump be given another 7 days to post a valid bond or cash.

Fun Fact #1: we’re already about a month past the date by which he was supposed to have posted the original $454 million bond. If this were anyone else, Trump’s shit would’ve been sold out from under him before now.

Fun Fact #2: before this NY criminal trial is over, Trump may not own the Trump Tower apartment in which he is staying while attending court.

Early reports are that Trump has already fallen asleep and been jolted awake by his attorney. This, with the jury in the box and the judge on the bench.

Tough to do lines of Adderall in front of a judge.

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What do the democrats pump Biden up with to give him energy?

Fun Fact #3: Trump has proved that he has the cash to support the bond. However, democrats don’t want his cash. They would like to try to make him look as bad as they possibly can to try to sway votes to Biden.

Nothing. He’s fit and healthy and he exercises. Doesn’t live on KFC and Diet Coke.

Oh really? What kind of exercise do you call this exactly? He does look quite fit laying there on the ground.


Although in these pictures, he looks like a could use a pick me up of some kind. I bet Hunter can give him the hook up.


Better be careful, though. He has a sensitive stomach.

Yeah, can anyone envision Trump riding a bicycle in their mind’s eye?

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Oopsie! Prosecutor says they have Trump on tape discussing the capture of the McDougal story. We already knew they have Trump on tape discussing the Daniels payment, so this is new.

Biden has a unique style of riding a bike. Maybe you can explain this style of riding.

Trump has a pretty good throwing motion for a guy in his 70’s.

Woah! Prosecutor says that Pecker sold the rights to the McDougal story to Trump, which is how Pecker got his money back and Trump could bury the story forever.

They have ALL the receipts.