The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

It’s certainly an endurance contest for his lawyers.

Odor in the court



Is that guy’s grandpa Biden? Biden goes through more depends than Limey will when Trump wins in November.,

The Godfarter

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He’s old and senile. Give him a break.

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Team Trump has gone over Merchan’s head to the appeals court to try to stay the start of the trial on Monday morning.

They are, of course, entitled to defend their client vigorously, but pissing off the trial judge a couple of days ahead of the gag order violations hearing is a bold strategy.

Meanwhile, given Trump’s reported emissions, isn’t every hearing a gag hearing?

Kind of like you democrats give the old demented sock puppet a break? He can forget his name, shit his pants, fall down and roll around in it and you would give him a break and make an excuse.

Team Trump has its star witness ready to go.

How many of their witnesses are going to be wearing prison jumpsuits?

Trump’s North Carolina rally was cancelled tonight because things got a little stormy.

I don’t know if this is irony, karma or foreshadowing.

Didn’t anyone have a Sharpie? That’s just bad staff work.

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Meanwhile, Biden’s handlers, shocked by a fact-check, have to rewrite his entire stump speech (which was easily vetted as a complete fabrication). Not that any of you cuckolds care, of course. The Biden handlers have assured you you will be safe if you stay at home, lock your doors and send them all of your money. Be afraid, be very afraid. Testosterone is bad.- cut if off!

Oh no! Anyway…

Imagine being a Trump defense attorney, knowing that you’re setting your reputation on fire and now will probably not get paid.

Trump phoned into his NC rally to tell everyone to go home.

Apparently he can do that. Who knew?



For reference, pre-trial he was burning through $100,000 a day, and trial fees are multiples of pre-trial fees.

It’s not as if he’s going to spend a dime on them.

Exactly. Once he’s run out of other people’s money, he’ll stiff them.

His lawyers know they’re doing it pro bono. It’s not going to impact them representing him.

Pro Bozo.


I’m just here waiting to hear how Trump has made the Astros get off to a terrible start.