The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I read an article that said the company recently informed shareholders on how to prevent their shares from being shorted. If you’re a long-term investor who believes the valuation will grow, why do you care if there are shorts out there? Hell, if I were a shareholder who believed in the company, I’d welcome the commie leftists to lose their money shorting my tremendously fabulous stock.

At any rate, I just assumed the advice was given to cult shareholders for one reason: the big shareholders want to fleece the cult shareholders before the shorts can fleece em first.

Long-term target, zero.

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If stock exchanges are all about finding the intrinsic value of companies - and not a casino where ne’er-do-wells can game the system in their favor - then short selling shouldn’t be a problem. Eh? Oh.

Trump is asleep in court again today. I’m starting to think that, during the “Executive Time” on his schedule every day until noon when he was president, he may not have been working…

The House voted to approve the rules that will allow them to debate (and hopefully pass) Ukraine aid. It passed overwhelmingly with broad bipartisan support, with only members on the extremes of each party objecting.

Remember this? It’s what normal looked like before McConnell decided he needed to co-opt the Tea Party’s energy and unleashed its chaos on us all.

I know first hand that this is not accurate. Say what you will about his policy and behavior, he was a very hard working person. Always reachable, available and present when needed. It was universally understood by all on the inside that he had a strong work ethic.

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Sounds like someone is salty about Trump media stock going back up. Can I offer you a tissue?

I am glad that was your experience. Sadly, there are plenty of others who experienced a different side of him.

The set of 6 alternate jurors is now filled. If all goes according to expectations, they can do the required Sandoval hearing this afternoon and opening statements can be heard on Monday morning.

Fun Fact: a Sandoval hearing is where the defense gets to hear all the information that the prosecution would use to impeach the defendant’s credibility, should the defendant take the stand. It is to help the defense decide whether or not the defendant should take the stand.

So Trump has to sit there and do/say nothing while the prosecutors run down a list of his greatest shits. According to existing filings, they have a lot.

WTF? Someone just set themselves on fire outside the NY court house!!

I guess that’s one way to delay a trial.

The good news is that the guy seems to have survived, at least for the time being. The bad news is that he may wish he hadn’t.

There are reports that he had been there all week carrying a sign and that he threw up a handful of pamphlets before igniting himself. No report yet on what was on the sign or pamphlets.

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According to the NYT:

Some of the pamphlets referenced former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Al Gore and the lawyer David Boies, who represented Mr. Gore in the 2000 presidential election recount.

Sadly, just more untreated mental illness.

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Tish James has officially moved to have Trump’s bond in the NY civil fraud case rejected.

Obviously this is a necessary move, but she has asked for him to be limited to 7 days to try again. We’re already nearly a month past the original deadline by which he was supposed to have posted $454 million, and here he has seemingly failed to post the reduced $175 million bond and his punishment is to get more time.

If this were anyone else, our shit wold’ve been seized and sold long before now.

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Must be a Democrat.

Pour one out for Max. He wanted the world to be a better place and he took a stand. In his “manifesto” he wrote “fascism can be considered as kleptocracy with a gun pointed at you” which is very true.

Well I’m sure Limey isn’t going to give a Trump media update since he was so salty about it rising in price this morning so I will go ahead and give an update. It was up once again. I would advise investing in tissue companies because Limey is going through a lot of them over Trump media going up in price.

Explosive finish to Friday.

I had to do a double take on this. What in all of the fucks are you trying to say?

It’s been four days….

Actually it has been the minute he left office. One made up thing after another to try to get Trump out of the picture since he can’t be beat fairly.