The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

30 years ago, dude.

30 years ago you were ill-informed, just as you are today.

James Comer continues to demonstrate no ability to do his job whatsoever.

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Too good not to share:

The Onion is amazing that it can still lampoon this clownsterfuck of a world we live in.

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Not to fear, Hunter Biden is qualified. Just like he was qualified to be on the board of Burisma and be paid millions for his expertise.

Yesterday, while keeping a straight face, House republicans delivered impeachment articles on Sec. Mayorkas to the Senate.

Today, Schumer is systematically bringing them to the floor and having them dismissed. Because they don’t actually allege “high crimes and misdemeanors”, they’re basically policy disagreements.

Senate Republicans keep trying to adjourn the session, and keep getting slapped back.

Chess vs. checkers.

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Meanwhile, AZ Republicans just blocked AZ Democrats’ bill to repeal the Civil War zombie abortion ban that is about to go into effect in that state, that would put doctors in jail.

They blocked it and then cheered and applauded. This is who they are.

Did they cheer in tongues?


No. They clapped in asshole.

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I read that at the time the bill was enacted (before AZ was a state) it was legal to marry a 10 year old. How long before Matt Gaetz moves to AZ?

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The man who wrote the law, retired from the legislature shortly thereafter and married his 15-year old girlfriend.

I’m not joking.

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…and just like that, the Mayorkas impeachment is over.

At least now House Republicans can get back to the important work of impeaching Hunter Biden.

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I watched a bit of that, the Myorkas thing. It was sad but not unexpected.

I almost, almost, felt bad for the republicans.

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Just watched a clip of Ted Cruz getting told (paraphrasing) to get fucked by Schumer. It almost made watching a clip of Ted Cruz worthwhile.

Off to have a long, hot shower.

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One of a string of horrifically underage girls he married.

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What are your thoughts about Biden showering with his daughter when she was a minor?

The second paragraph at the link you provided says he had prior bribery and blackmail convictions… but, sure, the DOJ only went after him because he was hired by a Republican (after those prior convictions).

Since this doesn’t fit Limey’s narrative, I’ll go ahead and post the Truth Social end of day update. Long story short, it was a good day for Truth Social. I’m sure Limey is crying like a little school girl over it.

Biden may be crying over it while with a little school girl.

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Yeah, I don’t really waste my time or calories thinking about your bullshit conspiracy theories.