The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Will be interesting to see how many dead vote in November.

Yesterday, just prior to walking into the NY courtroom for nap time, Trump said to the numerous reporters and rolling cameras that he paid Cohen the money and called it legal expenses. So, weā€™re done here, right? Confession accepted.

Today Don Snoreleon thinks he should have unlimited strikes over the jury panel.

Fun Fact: He wasnā€™t ā€œgivenā€ the venue, he chose it by dint of criming in that district.

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Trump Media showing some pep this morning, up 8% from the opening bell. Letā€™s see if that lastsā€¦

No court today; Judge Merchan reserves Wednesdays to get all his other shit done.

Finally tally yesterday was that 7 jurors were sat and the prosecution and defense have each used 6 of their 10 peremptory challenges.

Fun Fact: The lawyers have been scraping the social media accounts of the prospective jurors, meaning that Judge Merchan has been reading anti-Trump memes into the records while Trump sits there. One yesterday was how Trump invited the Thai soccer team to meet with him in the White House, and they asked to be put back in the cave.

ETA: Maybe they should batch all the memes and go through them all at once:

Clearly the Democrat Party is desperate at this point. We are getting very close to the election and Trump isnā€™t in jail. Outside of another pandemic, that is the only way they can beat Trump.

Given his robustly litigious history, youā€™d think he would understand the difference between peremptory strikes and strikes for cause.

Narrator: He does know the differenceā€¦ this is just more shit-flinging.


If recent history is any indication, it will 1) be a statistically insignificant number, 2) those low numbers will be largely based on allowable mail in votes where the voter dies in the ensuing few days leading up to election day and 3) that the incredibly infinitesimally small numbers of fraudulent ā€œdead votersā€ typically illegally vote republican. And, this is not a republican or democrat statement. These are the findings of academics, reasonably neutral sources like the AP and, of course, the two Trump-funded studies ($600k and $750k, respectively) by The Berkeley Research Group and Simpatico Software Systems. All saying the same thing.


Every projection by the right is an admissionā€¦


In-person voter fraud isnā€™t a thing.

Other things that arenā€™t things:

  • mail-in ballot voter fraud
  • post-birth abortions
  • non-citizens voting
  • gas oven bans
  • drag queen paedophiles
  • men pretending to be trans to dominate womenā€™s sports (just look at Caitlin Clarkā€™s contract!)
  • men pretending to be trans to hang out in girlsā€™ bathrooms
  • trans people being sex offenders
  • books turning kids gay
  • chemtrails (recently ā€œbannedā€ in Tennessee)

Are we seeing a pattern here?

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Didnā€™t have this on my GOP Will Eat Itself bingo card.

The patented ā€œI know you are but what am I?ā€ argument.

Democrats love dead people votes.

You lie EVERY TIME YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH (except at the glory hole)

ā€œThe charges appear to stem from work Callaway did for Rep. Jeff Van Drewā€™s 2022 reelection campaign. Thereā€™s no indication Van Drew (R-02) knew about the alleged scheme.ā€

Heā€™s a lifelong corrupt Democrat who then worked for a Republican and coinky-dink was indicted. More proof of the weaponization of the DOJ under the ā€œDemsā€

Youā€™d think someone might vet their talking points before spouting them out. Well, an intelligent person might.

That clearly leaves out you, Limey, Mike Schlong Gorveller, and several others.

Lol, Atlantic City, the place where Trump was too incompetent to keep a casino out of bankruptcy.

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Every casino there either has gone bankrupt or is afloat only because it is subsidized by a chain. Itā€™s remarkable to me how ill-informed you are.