The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

You’ll pull something out of your ass to make it sound like one, that’s for sure.

NY AG has moved that Trump be held in contempt of court for violating the gag order, which he did multiple times over the weekend.

I’m no expert either, but selling additional shares isn’t scammy in itself. It’s a way to raise money, but dilutes the value of each existing share. I assume they just need money to operate.

A interesting use of language (resale) from the article, though it may be common, I don’t know.

The company also seeks to offer the resale of up to 146.1 million shares of stock from “selling securityholders,” 114.8 million of which are held by Trump himself. Trump owns 78.8 million shares of the company, and stands to obtain 36 million “earnout shares” if the stock stays above $17.50 for enough trading days

I read this as the majority of shareholders are looking to get the fuck out while there are still fresh rubes out there.

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Thanks. Yeah, diluting a tanking stock smacks of Caledon Hockley grabbing a random child.

Judge Merchan presided over the trial of the Trump Org for tax fraud. It seems that he is hip to their bullshit.

No backdooring of Trump bullshit via opening statements. He either says what he has to say on the stand under oath, or the jury doesn’t hear it.

DA has asked for a $1,000 fine for each of three alleged gag order violations.

Fun Fact: If fines are levied, Trump has to pay them before leaving court for the day, otherwise he goes to jail.

Trump has been falling asleep in court.

Clarence Thomas is absent from SCOTUS arguments today. No reason given, which is unusual.

Team NYAG told the court that Team Trump has yet to provide its defense materials to the prosecution - as it is required to have done before now. Team Trump said they haven’t had time because they’ve been going through the SDNY document dump from a few weeks ago.

The judge gave them 24 hours. Anything not handed over before the deadline expires is excluded from evidence. Merchan is not fucking around.

First 96 prospective jurors are in court and the selection process has begun.


No true Scotsman…

Trump Media closed down 18% on the day. This is its trading chart, and/or Trump’s brainwave activity during the trial.

Some names are trending:

The Nodfather
Don Snoreleon

I can’t think of anything better. Maybe “Shit van Winkle”…yeah, nah.

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How about?:

Donald “old ass man that shits himself regularly and falls asleep after just 30 minutes of having to pay attention to one subject due to a aderall adiction” Trump?

Doesn’t that just roll off the tongue?


How about Joe “old demented sock puppet who can’t walk without falling over a blade of grass because his depends are filled up and are too heavy for him and who is being used by Barry Soetoro so he can get his hands on foreign money so he can buy Big Mike some medicine for his case of epididymal hypertension” Biden?

That also just rolls off the tongue.

I’m hesitant to reply until you’re done editing… let us know when you’re done.

Biden’s team has given his new campaign slogan and logo a lot of thought and after a lot of consideration, they have come up with this.

Curious… when you post something like this, and it clearly represents something “Russian” do you mean for that to be an insult? The folks you regularly defend seem to be pretty big Russia fans. How do you reconcile this part of your political belief system?

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A dog sliding a Biden has nothing to do with Russia.