The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Try to not extrapolate other people’s emotions based on short text exchanges. It’s foolish. Nobody cares about Bud Light here. Nobody.

You are getting worked up right now. It’s comical how political you, Limey and Mike SchlongGorveller are.

I’ll just copy and paste:

Try to not extrapolate other people’s emotions based on short text exchanges. It’s foolish.

You’re currently worked up about Budlight and unions. You don’t know how to let things be. If you don’t like my Budlight updates, I’m truly sorry.

Bud light sucks, surprised it took cancel culture gang to figure it out.

Nut, meet shell.

He’s really bad at math.


With his first criminal trial set to start tomorrow, Trump’s efforts to quell yet another civil defamation suit fail.

A division of the court of appeals found that in applying the anti-SLAPP statute, § 13-20-1101, C.R.S. 2023, it concluded that Coomer as the plaintiff has met the hurdles establishing a reasonable likelihood of success on his claims for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress arising out of statements by various defendants that the plaintiff made.

Depositions can now be scheduled.

Happy FO Day, everyone.

Jury selection is underway, and Trump has already rejected a number of jurors for “not being his type”.

They didn’t look like his daughter?


Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays.

Tanked upon opening and currently sitting at $28.50, down over 12% on the day.

Sad, yet just

All these dupes, living in fantasy and totally unequipped to understand how their own choices harm themselves.

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We’re not far away from the stock being worth less than it was before Trump Media was added, which is about the Trumpiest thing I can imagine.

Today, Trump truly became president.

Just kidding. He hasn’t slept in days and is slumping around like a chastised teenager.

The very unfair and biased Forbes magazine.

Down 15% on the day as I type. I blame DEI.

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The judge has sat and the court has been gaveled to order. It has begun.

The first thing Judge Merchan did was to deny a Trump motion for him to recuse.

And the moment you all were waiting for.

Budlight stock going down yet again. Better sell now. This thing is sinking faster than Limey will when Trump wins the election.

Now Biden on the other hand, he knows how to enter a room.

I don’t under stocks well enough to know how this is a scam, but it has to be a scam, right?