The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

So you don’t see the hammer and sickle? I know you do, because you’re not an idiot.

Let’s make another attempt at honest discussion. How exactly do you feel about Russia right now? How about the war in Ukraine?

Overlooked in all of yesterday’s NY criminal trial news was that Trump had until midnight to file details of the $175 million bond he posted in the NY civil case. He beat the deadline by minutes.

So the bond is based on Trump having $175 million and 2 cents in a Schwab account that is promised to Knight Specialty and Trump promises never to let the balance drop below $175 million.

AG James wiping her ass with this bond would be giving it more respect than it’s due.

I have seen people claiming that Trump wasn’t sleeping, he was pulling a “power move” by showing how little respect he has for the proceedings.


Limey just can’t stand the fact that Trump has the cash for this bond. It doesn’t fit the narrative of lies that he has been posting non stop for years.


Biden is no stranger to falling asleep. Limey isn’t worried about this, though. It doesn’t fit “the narrative.”

Michael Steele destroying the Obi-Wan theory that striking down Trump makes him more powerful.

Also, Andrea Mitchell is fucking terrible.

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She’s had the nerve in the past to go on about Biden’s age; he’s a whopping 3 years older than her.

We saw her the other day on Nicole Wallace and she was absolutely incoherent, stringing together random sentences like her last name was Trump. Plus, her husband was responsible for the housing bubble and a lot of economic hardship for regular people so maybe she should just shut up and go away.


MSNBC’s ratings must drop like Trump Media stock whenever she comes on.

Fun Fact: “DJT” tanked another 9% at the opening bell this morning. It’s probably now time to give it the lettuce treatment.

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Here’s another fun fact for everyone. The very liberal Budlight stock is down right out of the gate.

You are one to talk, a hillbilly with a circular family “tree.”

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Well when Biden blanks out and starts making new words during interviews, while he’s only 3 years older, he’s in much worse shape than her. I never hear anyone concerned when Biden either gets lost or starts shouting gibberish. If it was Trump or anyone who was not a Democrat who was shouting gibberish or being led around like a dog so he won’t wander off, the collective Democrats’ hairs would be ablaze. This illustrates the hypocrisy and mental ineptitude of the Democrat Party. It really is sad what the party has turned into. Limey is the poster child of the party with his lies and hate towards others.

Four years ago today.

Gibber. Gibber. Gibber. Not my job. Gibber. Gibber. Gibber.

FYI, it was his job.

This is becoming the daily trend: crashing at the open, a brief blip as short sellers buy stock to cover their positions, and then back to the regularly scheduled nosedive.

It’s now worth less than a third of its high from three weeks ago.

Rudi Giuliani - remember him? He asked the court to set aside the $148 million judgment against him. The court said “no”.

Trump seen dozing off in court again today.

To be clear, this is a parody account. But they’re fucking good at it.

Limey is completely unhinged today. 5 consecutive posts of lies in a row. He’s off his meds everyone!

Now this is just fucking funny!

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The Dems took a hit today in their quest to elevate transgenders as our overlords:

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So you’re telling us that Stormy has a dick?