The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Not a crime when the documents are declassified.

It is, but it’s not, just pretty stunning how much shady shit that entire administration got into. But it was his business m.o. beforehand, so I’m not sure who’s surprised.

We’ll see how the “he’s the President so he can declassify anything he wants” defense goes.


NARA delivered its documentation to the DOJ yesterday, that shows that Trump knew exactly what was required in order to declassify something. If haven’t seen them, but I don’t imagine that “just by thinking about it” is one of the options.

Rhodes’ buddy, Kelly Meggs, got 12 years for his sedition conviction.

I have yet to see any evidence presented that Trump actually declassified the documents in question. As I pointed out upthread, that’s irrelevant to a possible violation of the Epsionage Act, which may very well be where the Feds are heading with this investigation. AND, his attorneys have not made that argument in court (where, you know, there are penalties for lying).

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All this reminds me, I need to buy a globe for my son’s birthday. I’m going to do that right now. Call me a groomer if you will, but I like a nice, brightly colored Replogle.

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I wonder why that is.

It’s pretty amazing that the vast majority of lunatics in this country still unwaveringly view him as their savior. I’ve said this before, and it’s probably brutally obvious to everyone, but he’s going to trounce that fascist Florida weirdo and everyone else dumb enough to try to run in the primary even if and especially if he’s in jail where he fucking belongs. I guess they really are counting on his going to jail, which is a decent calculus, but it amazes me that they think that their base will take that as a reason not to vote for him. I think the only way Trump might be able to beat Biden is if he’s locked up. I’m completely serious.

I think you’re conflating how the prosecutions further calcify Trump’s support from his base, with them broadening his appeal. They don’t.

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I liked the topographic globe way back in the day…while my brother had a lighted (lit?) one that showed all the country borders.

But I’ve really wanted one, older the better, that you can open up and has a liquor cabinet inside.

I believe the word you’re looking for is “lut”.


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I’m not so sure. I think it may motivate some otherwise unmotivated. I hope not.

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Now we’re talking.


Has anybody mentioned Scumbag Paxton’s Happy Fun Day?

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Not holding my breath anything will come of it.
The fact that he repeatedly gets elected shows how utterly unfettered the Texas Republican voter is from any sort of morality, standards, intelligence or reality.



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That this was a Republican investigation presented to a Republican Committee leads me to believe there might be some action behind this, finally.

Just last week they threw Bryan Slayton out of the Legislature, so there’s hope I guess?

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Fun read, probably mostly true:

Party over country every time

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