The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

While you have no fucking idea how to not lie.

For anyone interested in the origins of QAnon I’d recommend The Antisocial Network on Netflix. It covers quite a bit more than that but I think some of you will find it fascinating.

That’s great, but please just shut the fuck up.


I will shut the fuck up about politics if Limey will shut the fuck up about politics. As long as he posts lies, I’ll have to post the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts.

Right from the opening bell this morning.

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 8.56.16 AM

Apropos nothing.

Wow it went down a whole $1.55!

Since we got an update on Truth Social’s stock, let’s take a look at bud light. Looks like it is trending down too right out of the gate.

5 yr charts for 5 of the top 6 global alcoholic beverage companies:





AB InBev

Now, tell us again about how “Bud Light Stock” is dying because of sponsoring a single, 20-second long Instagram post.

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Out of curiosity, what is the 6th one?



Kweichow Moutai. Chinese company.

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No amount of budlighting the data supports the narrative that DJT is not in absolute freefall since the day Trump took over, against a backdrop of overall downward tech and, specifically, social media publicly traded companies trends. One of these is not like the others:

The trumpanistas will just turn those charts over.


Truth Social isn’t in the Top 100 downloaded social media apps. Not the Top 100 apps, the Top 100 social media apps. The entire thing has the rigidity and substance of Trump’s hair.

It’s all about getting free money into Trump’s pocket (and fleecing some rubes along the way). There may be little or nothing left of the stock price by the time he is allowed to sell, but the sheer number of his shares means that almost fuck-all times millions will still be something to Trump.

Fun Fact: The two co-founders - who are being sued by Trump for their shares because no one remembers “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre” apparently - have petitioned the board to be allowed to sell their shares early. They have 8.5%. If they are allowed to sell, that much stock being fire-saled will crater the price.

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Nothing to see hear, just a defendant shamelessly trying to influence the judge in his case.


You guys get so triggered about bud light stock. It is rather amusing. They have been a liberal company for a long time. Way before they paraded out a transgender nut job to advertise for them. Their stock used to be over $120 per share and now it is half that amount. Go woke go broke.

So, the takeaway is that Trump is Bobby Knight?

Nine. years. ago.