The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Trump has filed yet another appeal in the NY election fraud case; this time challenging the ruling that he can’t say the thing he did before he was president is covered by presidential immunity.

I’m sure there are tons of inconsistencies. Between blowing her boyfriend who was teaming up with her to “get Trump” and now missing money, there has to be inconsistencies.

Boy, another shocker. Thanks, Brandon.

Trump Media having another bad day. Down over 7% and under $35 as I type.

I know it’s difficult for you to understand but stocks are going down because of inflation. We have your hero, the old demented sock puppet, to thank for that.

Oof! It’s not even getting the intra-day blips when short sellers buy to cover their puts.

This should scare the shit out of everyone here. Yes, you hear that correctly, they’re speaking in tongues. (This is a “prayer group” led by GOP Sen Anthony Kern in Arizona)


I expect Johnson to start distributing snakes in the House Chamber soon.

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I hope he lets Lauren Boebert hand them out. She won’t know whether to listen to a snake, speak to it in tongues, or jack it off.


If Lauren Bobert looked your way you wouldn’t last until your zipper, Cletus.

Remember when bud light stock was near $120 per share?

Nobody gives a fuck about Bud Light and their shitty diarrhea inducing beer.

Finally something we can agree on. No one gives a shit about Truth Social either, yet our resident nut job keeps posting stuff about it. As long as he keeps doing that, I’ll keep posting about bud light.

Not only that, the idiot can’t even properly research his point. I looked at the day Kid Rock gunned down his Bud Light, April 3, 2023. The stock price on that day was 66. It’s currently 59.6.

He lives in a fantasy world.

Trump is 0-3 in the NY appeals court just this week after they rejected one of his latest attempts to delay his trial. That’s 3 days, 3 cases, 3 losses.

Says the mouth breather who couldn’t be bothered to research anything yesterday. I literally posted a shot of the stock price graph. Bud light has been run by a bunch of liberals for years. Not just since they paraded up a transgender nut job to market their product. If the truth doesn’t fit a liberal’s agenda, they start trying to insult whoever is telling them the truth, usually by name calling, cursing and shouting. Liberals are painfully stupid and you rank right up at the top. Limey, on the other hand, is #1. He would lie if the truth did him good. But when you are jobless and live off of the government, I guess you have plenty of time to cook up wild stories.

Cool. Now tell us more about how COVID was created by Barack Obama.

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Barry helped fund the Wuhan lab to create the Covid virus. Wonder why he would do such a thing?

Ken Paxton is trying to rat-fuck Harris Co’s basic income pilot program. The county giving $500/month to eligible families has fuck-all to do with Paxton.

Fun Fact: Monopoly - the game about capitalism - is only playable because it has a universal basic income.


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Mike Johnson got rug-pulled by the Putin Caucus again today. He held a vote on allowing a vote on the extension of FISA, and it lost because 19 GOP members voted against him.

He has no clue about a lot of things (the clitoris for one, I’m sure) but he demonstrates on a daily basis that he has no fucking idea how to be Speaker.