The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Something else Trump and Biff Tannen have in common.

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You mean, this guy?



Spoken like a true liberal.

LOL, taken out of context like a true magat.

Nothing is out of context. I didnā€™t say it, he did.

This guy is absolutely shitting himself.

Oh, and heā€™s defaming E. Jean Carroll again.

If the weaponized judicial system went after other parents similarly, Biden would lose Michigan by 15 points.

Trump has no poker face, so the fact that he started ranting about Judge Merchan then immediately and extensively flipped his rant to E. Jean Carroll means something.

Hereā€™s what else is going on today in NY:

Knight Specialty has been given until Monday to prove that it has the wherewithal to support the bond it issued on Trumpā€™s behalf. If it cannot - and based on the filing of its and its parentā€™s finances, it cannot - Trumpā€™s properties will immediately start being seized by AG James Trump will be given (probably) another 10 days to come up with a new plan.

But the fact that he went to a shady-as-fuck loan shark to get a bond from a tiny company not even on New Yorkā€™s approved foreign insurers list (foreign to New York) suggests strongly that he hasnā€™t got the money to get it done any other way. Even at the lowered amount.

But what does this have to do with E. Jean Carroll? Iā€™m guessing that any liquid assets he has are pledged to Chubb in support of the bond in that case, and heā€™s unable to support another bond with anything other than real estate assets - which anyone would be a fool to accept. So itā€™s Carrollā€™s ā€œfaultā€ that he canā€™t post bond in the NY business fraud case, hence the pivot.

Monday is a triple threat to Trump: itā€™s Tax Day, itā€™s the day his Knight Specialty bond implodes and itā€™s the day his NY criminal trial begins. Ten days after that, heā€™s looking at having his bank accounts frozen and any income from his properties being intercepted (sadly they donā€™t go and padlock building any more).

This old white guy pontificating on Fox about what pregnant women should do is not helping Trumpā€™s case.

Nothing you posted shows that he is ā€œabsolutely shitting himself.ā€ Also, nothing he said is defaming E Jean Carroll. I really have never seen anyone who is as obsessed about Trump as you are. Do you have a job or any hobbies? You should really find something else to do. You could escape the lonely, sad life you currently live.

Not surprisingly, itā€™s also hypocritical in that many Republican areas have made it illegal to travel through their area to obtain an abortion.

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Thatā€™s some small government right there.Theyre not interested in it being small enough to drown in a bathtub (in the famous quote), but just large enough to drown women in.

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Cannon is either legitimately backtracking, or itā€™s just another opportunity to insert a delay.

If Trump says nothing, itā€™s the latter. Letā€™s see what he Troths overnight and then weā€™ll know.

You would love to see a liberal judge take her place. It wonā€™t matter once Trump is president anyway.

Weisselberg sentenced to 5 months in jail for perjury he committed while testifying for Trump during the NY business fraud trial which Trump lost to the tune of nearly half-a-billion dollars.


Thatā€™s great. A culture of lying / deceit in a corporate (or academic, family, sports, etcā€¦) environment starts at the top and, once in place, does not typically stop until there are obvious negative repercussions for those at the top that created that environment in the first place.

Very true. Sadly, the guy at the top is still walking around committing new crimes and torts on the daily. Hopefully that is nearing an end, though.

Q: What are you doing about ā€œillegalsā€?

A: Weā€™ re deporting more of them than at any time in over a decade, and weā€™ll do even more if you pass the border bill.

Q: Thatā€™s a great, but what are you doing about ā€œillegalsā€?

OK, so what do they have on him and when do we get to find out?

Because it sure seems like weā€™re going to find out.

GOP Will Eat Itself