The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Fun Fact: The appellate court’s order was a single sentence.

I hope the courts are finally done with entertaining his obvious bullshit. In this motion, he argued that the case - about which he will not shut the fuck up - has too much pre-trial publicity.

One sentence was probably giving it more words than it needed; two would’ve sufficed.

Is this a jury trial?

It is indeed. The judge released the list of question he’s going to ask potential jurors:

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Good to know. I need time to put together my slate of alternate jurors.


Jack Smith has filed his response to the Trump’s immunity petition to SCOTUS. It is, of course, expansive and detailed, but here’s the lede:

No presidential power at issue in this case entitles the President to claim immunity from the general federal criminal prohibitions supporting the charges: fraud against the United States, obstruction of official proceedings, and denial of the right to vote. The President’s constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed does not entail a general right to violate them.

Embarrassingly for the conservative majority (not that they care), Smith felt it necessary to build a system of backstops around any efforts to uphold Trump’s immunity claims. Smith pointed out that none of this was part of his duties as chief executive; instead - even if he was meeting in the Oval Office with government staff - this was all for the benefit of Candidate Trump.

He also countered Trump’s claims that immunity must exist because no president has ever been treated so unfairly. Smith noting that no other president has tried a coup.

I really hope that someone makes the point to SCOTUS that if a president can assassinate a political rival and be immune, he can probably assassinate a Supreme Court Justice too.

Yeah there was no coup, just as there was no insurrection. Insurrection is a word that all Democrats really need to look up and study. Trump really just needs to delay everything until he gets back in office. Jackass Smith is doing his best to hurry things along as his boss Barry Soetoro is directing him to do. Democrats had Covid (thanks to Barry funding the Wuhan lab) during the last election. Since people are wise to their tricks this go around, they are just trying to put Trump in jail to get rid of him. Once Trump is back in office, he can direct that these phony cases be dismissed just like they should be.

Joe Biden unearthing the lede from Trump’s abortion speech that was buried by almost every major news outlet: by endorsing a “state’s right” to enact whatever horrific laws it chooses, he is endorsing the horrific laws any state chooses to enact.

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An update on Trump family corruption. Previously, I had wrongly assumed Kushner made 25 million/year from his foreign investors, but NYT reports:

Mr. Kushner’s firm, Affinity Partners, is collecting approximately $40 million a year in management fees from those investors even before any share of profits earned on investments.

How often do we hear this? Roughly 1% as often as we hear hear about Hunter. Liberal press, my ass.


With the trial scheduled to start next week, here’s a reminder of some of the things that will be said under oath:


You are getting nearly as bad as Limey about posting made up bullshit.

In the NY criminal election fraud case, Trump’s motion to have the case stayed while they rule on his appeal of the gag order has been denied, in the second one-sentence denial in the space of as many days.

NY appellate court is not fucking around, and they’re not letting Trump fuck around either. They are the Roy Kent of appeals courts:


It’s typically 2%, Cletus.

The Crumbleys - irresponsible, enabling parents of a school shooter - have been sentenced to 10-15 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter.

Arizona’s Supreme Court has just upheld an abortion ban passed in 1964.

Check that, 1864. Eighteen fucking sixty-four!

Given that the Dobbs decision was justified, in part, using the legal musings of a 16th century English witch-burner, it’s actually fully on brand.

ETA: Biden’s chances of retaining AZ just went up.

You, and your sidekick idiot are so fucking stupid. Him, with his can’t handle any fact at all unless it conforms with his worldview, and you with your inane Cletus banter. I didn’t even post a %, as it’s irrelevant. The Trump family is on the dole to foreign powers, and typically, you’re too ignorant or dishonest to care. But Hunter Hunter Hunter.

you are a liar. you posted that 1% was somehow egregious.

And cue the typical liberal rage and name calling when they don’t agree with something and have been proven wrong over and over. You might remember to close your mouth today as there is some rain moving through.

I’m not even going to bother researching whether I wrote that, or whether I had a basis for writing that. It’s entirely irrelevant. The NYT I quoted gave a total fee (almost 40 million) not a %, so how is that a lie? You’re so fucking cowardly that you can’t deal with the actual discussion, so you bring up something that wasn’t even written.

Trump’s “leave it to the states” gambit lasted one day before being buried in avalanche of AZ manure.

Hey at least it’s dry manure.