The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

We’re at Gilded Age levels of a wealth gap, on our way to French Revolution levels of a wealth gap.


How to say “it’s all projection” without saying “it’s all projection.”

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AG James has posted a Notice of Exception, challenging the validity of the Knight Specialty bond. Will Mr. Hankey be saying “howdy-ho” to Judge Engoron, or will he send Amit Shah?

The only bomb was the truth bomb I gave everyone on inflation. Unfortunately for them, I made them look pretty stupid. But that is not hard to do to a liberal in denial.

Thanks for the laugh. You got pantsed yesterday.

The only thing that happened yesterday was that I proved how ignorant Democrats are. There were many who simply shit and fell back in it when they got a dose of reality. Of course I’m outnumbered here and everyone will gang up on me but that’s fine. Many people who aren’t Democrats agree with me and know that I’m right, though. Thoughts and prayers to everyone who I exposed yesterday. It’s nothing personal and there is still time for you all to turn things around.

People in Austin and elsewhere in the path of the eclipse, please remember the #1 thing you don’t do is this:

After taking more time than women in the south are allowed to find out if they’re pregnant, Trump has announced his position on abortion: not his problem.


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Biden was going to announce his position on it but he forgot what abortion was.

Oof! Trump Media crashing hard at the opening bell this morning.

It had a mid-day high last week of $79. Some people bought it at that price and have lost more than half their money in less than 7 days. This is the most Trump thing ever.

Hey Siri! What does “pump and dump” look like in chart form?

Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 9.58.25 AM

Hey siri! Show me an inflation chart that shows inflation during the old demented sock puppet presidency.

Monday Split Screen.

Biden: I’m cancelling student debt.

Trump: A 10-year old should be forced to give birth to her rapey Uncle’s baby if her state says so.

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On Mondays other split screen.

Biden: Let people pour in from the southern border. We don’t need to check and make sure they are coming in legally.

Trump: Close the southern border and let people come in legally.

Oof. This hits hard.

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How far has Alina Habba’s star fallen in Trump World? She’s been fired by Allen Weisselberg.

I probably would have fired her before I got sent to jail but that’s just me.

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Trump is suing Judge Merchan in a desperate attempt to do anything and everything he can to stop his criminal trial starting next Monday. He is in an abject panic, which he should be.

  1. Because of discovery, he has seen all the evidence against him.
  2. The prosecution’s witness list is all current/former Trump insiders.
  3. And the two women he fucked whose silence he needed.
  4. Hunter Biden will not be available to be used as a distraction.
  5. The bag man has already gone to jail for this.

In addition to all of the above, he cannot come and go as he pleases with a criminal trial. He has to sit down and STFU under threat of detention, for the entire thing. He can’t even Troth while court is in session. His post-session press rants are going to be more unhinged than the entire Boeing fleet.

The appellate court just told Trump to do one as regards his motion to stay the trial pending a change of venue.

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Which trial is this?

ETA: Hush money, OK, got it.

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My bad. I usually do a better job of identifying which of his trials I’m posting about.

I know the “hush money” trial is the common shorthand for this one, but it’s so much bigger than that. In fact, the payments may not have been illegal in and of themselves; it’s only because Trump decided to run the payments through his business as “legal fees” and also lie to the FEC about the benefit in kind his campaign received.

In this way, it’s perhaps the most Trump of all the Trump cases.