The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Back to the original source of this little discussion…

This shit you posted is incredibly stupid and generated by fucking AI, are you able to admit that?

Indeed. Only a fool should pay those prices.

If you torture the numbers long enough, they’ll tell you whatever you want to hear.

Well to be fair, those prices might reflect what you’d pay at a gas station “convenience” store. And for some folks that might be the only thing they have reliable access to. But that’s also the only scenario I can dream up…

Now this is interesting. The Fed tracks prices of field grown tomatoes by the pound, so again, it’s not tomatoes to tomatoes with the chart, so to speak. In January 2020 a pound of field-grown tomatoes was $2.22. In February 2024 it had reduced to $2.13. Interestingly, field-grown tomatoes seem to go through big variations depending on the time of year, and I’m just baffled. Why would field-grown tomatoes be so much cheaper in mid-summer than mid-winter? I just can’t figure it out.


It doesn’t fit reality. Which waved bye-bye to you a long time ago.

So your answer is no? You don’t realize that Biden’s war on energy is causing everything to go up? Let me ask you a really simple question. Does it take energy to put groceries and goods on the shelf at stores?

A patented Democrat move. When told something they don’t agree with, start trying to degrade or insult the other person.

You have “told” anything. You have posted demonstrably false information and were called out on it. You then doubled down on it, suggesting you should be allowed to make up your own reality.

I haven’t doubled down on anything. Everything is higher now than it was 4 years ago. You can sit there and deny all you want but it is a fact. You and other Democrats don’t want to talk about inflation. It’s kind of like talking about the border mess that Biden created. They want to deny it and try to blame Trump somehow.

Biden’s team had written his name down and waved him on to murder, asking him only to promise to appear at court in the future.

Let me explain something to the dim bulbs in here- you WILL wear this issue.

No it’s not.

But what do you think of gas now being $0.09/gallon?

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Is that what CNN told you? If you say your grocery bill or bill for goods is less now than it was 4 years ago, you are lying. Not sure where you are getting gas for $.09. Gas is about $3.20 per gallon where I live. Diesel around $3.80. Much higher than 4 years ago. That is a cause for higher goods.

It’s $0.09/gallon. I just posted it. You don’t believe it because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

Did poor Hudson get his little feelings hurt today? He can’t admit he was wrong. He loves inflation.

There is no inflation. Everything is cheaper today than it was in 2020. And Biden cured polio last year.

You go on and believe that if it makes you feel better.

What will make me feel better is the Astros winning their 9th straight game tonight.


If Bregman hits his 10th home run they may just do it.

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